Splintered Light - Prologue, Pt 2
Although his stay was short lived, the jackal found himself right back there on more than one occasion.
Getting Your Second Chance
He looked down and instantly got what the jackal meant.
Tales From The Beast City: Tenshal Part 2
Growling in anticipation, he positioned himself between the jackal's thighs and started thrusting vigorously.
A Bath With The Pharaoh
While the jackal grunted.
Conveyor Belt
The jackal pulled her wallet out of her pocket to show it to the roach. "neat fabric. never seen anything like it." jackie used her communicator one-handed as the jackal handed her the wallet.
The Thief's Scent
The jackal would find his quarry again.
Freebies Vol. 49: Valentine's Day Edition!: WhiteTiger2000
The world faded as he heard the jackal speak, whispering orders to him, commanding him to obey both jackal and snow leopard. he nodded dumbly, jaw going slack in the jackal's grasp.
A Villain’s Trap
All he could do was watch as the jackal opened his mouth and give his manhood an eager lick. "o-oh damn..." the warm wetness sent his head reeling. his entire body shuddered with each stroke of the jackal's finger, each lick of the jackal's tongue.
A Fox's Tentacle Husband
jackal's eyes look at the eyestalk looking at him. 'bride.....happy....' he spoke with a nod before the tentacle in jackal's ass started pushing back up into him while wiggling. "aahh!"
The Gift, Richard's (FA) Introduction 2
The jackal's statement faltered at that as he sought for a word. i interrupted. "i just need some rest... it's been a long day and-- i... think i died?" nodding, the jackal stepped forward. "yes. rest. hem-netjer need rest."
Yazdar the Priest
"oh my masters, please have pity on me..." the jackal cried softly. the priest cut him short by pulling a hood over his head. the thick canvas muffled the jackal's sobs, turning them into a low, indistinct moan.
Trapped 2.0
Without ceremony, he forced his giant member inside the tight, puckered flesh of the jackal's tail hole.