Short: Kobold Eviction
Dub con, humor, kobolds. kobolds are love, kobolds are life. well, so are dog dicks but in this piece there are no dog dicks. only kobolds and human lady thighs. breeding too.
Epilogue (Kreet 32)
Others fell to the kobolds and their traps. fortunately the kobolds were well-disposed towards karl and what remained of his party for having killed the big fire person.
Balancing the Scales
But a dragon being in a kobold body is about as ridiculous as a dragon taking orders from one." before the kobold could say anything further the ghostly apparition disappeared, leaving azzel alone once more.
Floral Frolics
The kobold has rolled to the ground, arms wrapped around the soldier's chest.
Passing the Flame
That one was an impressive display of kobold ingenuity; a mighty bandit, a terror of ten years for the man-kin of the overcave, brought low by trap and stabbed to death by the kobold captain.
Fan Meetup (Vore Story)
Evan replied, neil's eyebrows raising as he realized that the kobold was really just...going to go for it. in public, too! the deer almost recoiled a little bit, starting to hush the kobold before realizing that...well, there wasn't anyone else around!
A Boy and His Kobold, Part 3 by KaninZ
Of what a kobold should look like.
An Autobiography
He felt the kobolds eyes move over him. felt him reading. as the kobold did he memories moved. easing forward while the kobold absorbed every detail. "oh yes, you're going to be an interesting read." the kobold turned back through some pages.
Slayer or Layer 49
There were two targets: other dragons...or kobolds. and the kobolds were fewer. diala, along with one other, seized a kobold that had come running to them.
SfKC - A Kobold's Fate
#1 of stories from kobold camp so, some stuff to keep in mind for how i personally like to write kobolds. i go for the hot take of them being semi-mammalian, almost sort of like a platypus. so, yes. my kobolds have hair, and breasts, and produce milk.
The Healer's Friend
This kobold would drive him mad with lust and so he moved down to capture the kobold's maw with his own lips, tongues meeting in the middle to clash, his own seed still thick upon the kobold's tongue, his hand moving between the kobold's legs to grip on to
Kobold Kaos - Spreading
"holy fuck you're a kobold how are you a kobold." she looked at the snake. "i just took it for granted before but you really did this?"