Drako Tygon- chapter 2

So, is there a place in the suit to put my pen?" she said, "yes, the right leg has a slot for your weapon near your calf." i took up the pen, and turned it to the ax setting, and it quickly turned into an ax.

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wander ~ Chapter 6

Once he was done, he leaned over to try to pick up that pen, but had to scoot forward a little bit to actually reach it.

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Rewriting Reality (Sharpedo x Remoraid)

Thankfully though, his pen had already made a solution for him, and that was to stop the people who knew about his pen from talking about it with anybody else except for him.

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Life of a Jackass

Back in your pen!" corbin tried to lead the donkey back to his pen, but as he reached the door he suddenly stopped and looked up at corbin and let out a loud bray and refused to move. "aww... not this again!"

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Chapter 5

He first handed her the pad of paper, and then the pen.

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The Rainbow Serpent

The beautiful artwork flowed off her pen, she hardly needed her usual methods for assuring an accurate copy. she had even begun to skip the penciling and go directly to the pen work.

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Bonnie's and Clyde's Last Strike - Draft

Arthur _(takes note of the pen and its engraving as he stares at it a bit)_ such a lovely pen. bonnie? who's bonnie? jasmine _(feigning flattery, she blushes before giggling a bit.)_ bonnie. as in bonnie and clyde. i have a clyde as well.

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In the Service of Cerce, Part 2

This was the first pen of six goats; i would be led to another seven pens before the day was over, as i experience my deepest sexual fantasy again and again, the pleasure and torment unending.

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Office Stress 7 - Upper Management

The pen made its descent, the underside of his cock bulging, stretched around the hard smooth tube, deeper until half of his shaft was swollen around the pen, the glimmering tip exposed.

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When Friends are Feeling Down

Filling out forms and the like with her "infamous" carrot pen. she silently munched on the pen, deep in thought about her fox friend. dumb, stubborn fox, being all moody...

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Werewolf Tale II - Chapter 11 - Hunting Under Pressure

The only animal pen he could see that was exposed from his angle was the pig pen; the planks and rods of its several foot high wooden fence were shielded with wire mesh, and at least two pigs were sleeping outside the makeshift shelter.

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Thinking back on that occasion, jack slowly made his way inside cly's pen. the horse was still awake and regarded the young human with dark, shining eyes.

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