A Little Too Curious Part 1 [Her First Time]

Story made by :Me Faith belongs to :Me If you want to repost this story link me it in a PM on here Or contact me at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#86e0eff4e3f1e9eae0b7b6b7b4c6e1ebe7efeaa8e5e9eb) enough mumbojumbo..... TO THE...

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The Emporium of Curious Goods 2: Addictive TV

The Emporium of Curious Goods The Problem with More Than Addictive TV by Rhuk the Raven Almost a year later and I've yet to pen another of these stories? I'm quite the lazy bird lately, and I have to apologize for that. How about a laziness story?...

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It had been a very light bump, unintentional and innocent. The grey behemoth probably hadn't even noticed the contact with the smaller, black-and-grey beast that he had tapped with his thick hips. With all of the food that was around, and the sheer...

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Dangerous Love (F dragon, M fox, TF, WG, growth, sex, egg-laying)

This story contains: transformation (human male into anthropomorphic fox, human female into quadrupedal dragon), growth, weight gain, pregnancy, egg-laying, and sex (consensual only - vaginal and oral).

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Stuffed Fox

"Stuffed Fox" "ungg... let me go!" the fox beat on the strong wolf who was carrying him into his den. "Hehehe... feisty little fellow aren't you?" he sat the rusty red vulpine into a chair and slapped the shackles onto his thin writs "Your a bit too...

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Brother's envy

It was a fitting name, because with his weight gain he looked more feminine. his hips were wide and his rear grew as plump and round as his belly.

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Big Bears on Campus: Episode 7

Episode 7 Clay was the quintessential gym rat, and he was proud of it. All he talked about was his new diet or his latest exercise routine, if you could manage to get him past his constant bragging about how much he could bench press and bicep...

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Chef Jo

Jo didn't care though, he liked his weight gain. "tony, i like my body. i wouldn't mind putting on more weight in the future." jo said nonchalantly as he munched on a curly fry.

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The Gift

He looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but smile. Dustin had surely put on a bit of weight over the last couple of years, but this last month or so seemed unusually better than all that had come before it. He was actually starting to show...

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Hungry Hungry Dragon

"Hey fatass, you don't look so good today... What's up?" A booming voice said, coming from the living room of the large, spacious house. The house was definitely big, but with the multiple tons of lard between the two beasts that were currently...

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stage one: Rebellion

"rapid weight gain followed by the disappearance of the subject and someone close to them...interesting." "your orders sir?" "i want to meet this mr. moon. take us to the contact phase captain." "as you wish sir."

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Pig Out - Ch. 1

:p -this story series contains a myriad of kinks, including fat, weight gain, transformation, and incest -i'm not responsible for you if you feel guilty after orgasming to this story. :3 **[pig out]** keith sighed, staring at the back of the

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