Kaa Eats Mowgli
All the while, kaa had fully coiled up his penis in a donut tower of coils, his tail squeezing rhythmically from his base to his tip, forcibly pulling more blood into his erectile tissue, making the boy almost painfully hard and swollen.
Huntress Hunted
He kept her suspended in his coils, bracing himself upon her shoulders while he began to lunge.
The Sunset Transition
The thick dark blue-black coils held her completely. "p-please," she stuttered. "no."
Without warning, the equine was hoisted up into the air by the tangle of coils, his legs spread widely apart. the doctor maneuvered his body around philippe, looping a coil under each armpit and around the arm and finally one thick coil around the neck.
[QC-049] Meal; Interrupted
Problem was, the coils around his chest were just tight enough to act as a sort of sensor for his upcoming intentions.
Smut Shot 1: Snakes Swamp Toy
Edgar felt thick coils pushing between his legs, warm scales rubbing against his sensitive skin. he shuddered and tried to close his legs, but the coils around his thighs pulled back, spreading his legs wider and forcing him down onto the coils.
Chapter 3: "And Now I'll Never Turn Back..."
Legend:Normal DialoguePokémon DialogueBackground MusicSonic the Hedgehog 2006: Event- The Ruined World of the FutureAs I typed away making plot summaries and new chapters for my stories, I could hear my Milotic ask "Ethan, does this chapter really need...
The Mousetrap
Until one of her coils squeezed down into his belly, that is.
Additional Benefits From Reading
Adelae tucks her knees back in as satya constricts the entire lower half of the bed, pulsing her coil in tune with stolen breaths. "--was a sneak attack--?" satya gasps.
In Need of Warmth (Quickie)
Ithilwen found herself overwhelmed with pleasure, her depths twitching and sensitive thanks to his constriction.
Snake Vs. Subconscious
It was bigger than a man, but moved like a snake, winding coils following its muscular body.
Day 23 Snake _ Tight
The snake lowered him at a cruel speed, getting closer to those lips before suddenly releasing the coils on their leg.