Wastelands-Chapter 34-The Greenvile Dead Zone-Part 3-The City Of Death
I face planted into the grating that made up the crane, cracking the visor of my gas mask, causing the internal geiger to spike immediately as the wind tried to sweep me off the crane.
Life and Death
The raptor's eyes flew wide as he looked around, able to see the red lights of multiple cameras staring at him, and noticing the noose connected to a large crane in front of him.
The Best Kind of Rivalry - Kinktober 2021, Day 8
Shadow tilted his head, only to blush as sonic craned his neck forward and pecked the other hedgehog on the tip of his nose with a playful smooch. "i restarted the recording. your secret's safe with me...
Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Elias Hewen - 1st Draft)
Elias had seen the crane shaking as soon as the first cry had gone up, his previous debate forgotten in an instant.
In Their Place (HH)
I think the story went that great-grandfather crane also worked at making bomb sights for b-17's, but that might've just been a story.
The Black-Feathered Monk 2
The crane held his leg aloft over his head, and his claws burned and smoked as he began to fall.
Peer Review
crane's apartment, locking the door as they went.
Form Popstars To Pesky Theives (Squid Sisters To Bonanza Bros TG)
, as if she shrink , her body turn metal like and her hands became crane like "i.....i.....heh!" "c....c....callie?" "who the hell are you calling me callie? , i'm robo! "oh no! , me next! , not now!!!"
The French Confection - Episode 6 (BBW, SSBBW, Stuffing)
Then, suddenly, the crane's furious waddle concluded with a squawk. the crane looked down. her hips were pinched by a countertop on each side. her expansive lard pursed around the countertops.
The Donkey Diaries 2
Pulling away from ian's maw, tyler cranes his neck upward and brays as his face bursts forward into a furry equine shape.
Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 10
As the crane reached full power, chet grunted slightly and gave the crane one big yank, which was a bad idea seen as the crane suddenly raised up onto two wheels and began to fall towards him.
Redwall: Behind the Bushes, Part 1
She craned her neck down to his bare belly, and started to lick. "hee hee, that tickles," said matthias. gradually, she started licking lower, and lower, until she reached his bare crotch. "i don't think that's appropriate!"