Echo: desired ending part one version one

Shut up, i don't care what it is as long as it helped us get back together! i tell the voice. then i hear the sound of sirens. "you hear that leo? sounds like the police are here!"

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Crumbling Apart

He gave her time to put herself back together again, on her feet, though she left some of the details out of her body out, smoothing over the features a little.

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A Fresh Start

"i just wanted to talk to you," he said, "i think we should try and work things out, get back together, you know?"

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The Cat and the Twins

Suddenly two images of the cat jumped apart before slamming back together with a small clap. where the cat had sat before, a woman with two catlike ears sprouting from the top of her head now stood.

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Snowed In - A Dark Place

They are trying to sew his jaw back together, but they are not sure about any brain swelling, he took a bit of a beating." "is paul alive?"

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Intimacy (First Instalment)

'we'll be back together before you know it.'

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A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 17

_"what, do you want me to apologize and ask to get back together, so you ca"_ _"ah. i told my mom already."_ what else could i say?

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 10

He quickly knits them back together and helps her up. "ohh, stiff..." alyssa says as she tests her body with slow movements and twists.

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Chapter 6 - The Rescue

Link glanced over his shoulder and spotted the various parts of talamir and timner struggling to place themselves back together. good, he thought, i have some time here.

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380 Homecoming

Broad scars above and below the eyes, where her face has been pulled back together and one eye replaced, with pale-blue pupils in both upgraded to make them match.

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How To Pokemon Go

The two phone pieces slowly began to fuse back together. the cracks in the screen began to mend. and for a brief moment the phone looked complete. and then it exploded. "vulpix!"


Second Chances 2

I know yuri loves me. he knew how happy i was with dmitri and he's trying hard to get us back together.

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