Alone I'm So all Alone

"well for one his daughter is pregnant, and for another his eldest son just got divorced and announced he's gay" 'ooo bet they are having fun right about now' "don't worry he isn't a hateful bigot he accepts his son for who he is

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In the World After: Chapter 9

Even that crippled bigot back at the car is part of our family. we need all we can to survive, and most of all we need each other, because we are all we have to live for."

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Tu eres mi mundo.

Se tocó el rostro en el lado del impacto y algunos de sus bigotes le faltaban. quiso ponerse de pie para ir a socorrer al caballo, pero fue incapaz. apenas podía moverse. la cara le ardía, y notaba el cuerpo pesado.

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El desayuno está servido

Influenciado aún por la pérdida de los bigotes y la brutal sesión de sexo que hacía mella en cada músculo de sus piernas.

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New Age Heroes: Chapter One

Kyle had for a long time dreamed of leaving nohan, leaving behind the racist bigots for somewhere new, somewhere where he would be welcomed regardless of being a human, an oddity, somewhere where he could settle down and be happy, maybe even find someone special

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A Bitch In Her Bowels

Her loins delighted in the fact that the rude, mouthy, and bigoted bitch was completely at her mercy, stuck huffing the inside of the massive, bloated ass she despised so much.

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Identity: Chapter Forty-Nine

Johnson was a bigoted ass, no doubt, but a murderer...perhaps not. if his hunch was correct, an innocent man had just been murdered for a crime he didn't commit...not that johnson hadn't been asking for it, with all his hate-mongering.

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No Fur No Fun PT. 15 Night

I wanted to get back upstairs to brad and betty it seemed like my every footstep brought me in front of family needing to ask me the same questions. by the time i made it to the stairs i was certain my entire family were ether bigoted or naive, i preferred

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A Deer Price

Secretly samson hoped that one day the bigots would catch the disease and be changed too, but he knew it wasn't a condition one should wish on anyone. the mayor had once said that they would put a stop to the hunts.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:19

The ewe could feel herself rising as the wolf raised his shoulders in an attempt to intimidate the bigoted old goat. "we love eachother, now do yer job, shut yer yap, and let us on!"

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Brian and Me

I mean, we live in a fairly accepting society today, where bigots are being more and more afraid to speak out against gay people. i remember something that my uncle said when i came to him.

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 2

Humans then, and to a lesser extent now, were bigoted against any human that chose to have a baby that wasn't completely human. most of the humans either didn't understand why the humanimals were created or didn't care.

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