The Domestic PigFox
Holding in another belch swelled out some fat breasts and a plump piggy rump.
Insistence and Assistance (vore story)
Contains: non-fatal same size oral vore, semi-willing anthro male cat pred, unwilling anthro male mouse prey, burping, regurgitation, force feeding, voyeurism.
Another Failed Capture
She cooed, giving it a firm press, prompting another eruption-like belch! _blaaaaaaaaap!_ "goodness boy, you don't hold back!"
Pastry Prilodeoren (Part 2 of 2)
He couldn't quite enjoy the release before another burp would come up. but that wasn't the only form of release coming his way. bleo felt the hands grip at his lower regions and begin to stroke him.
Alchemical Experimentation 3: Observations
The occasional throaty burp or deep belch worked up from her maw as her body worked on its glut of food. he didn't know why, but roland had to admit he was enjoying the sounds her body was making, all of them he had a hand in helping her produce.
Filling A Booth
Forcing out a prodigious belch that shook the very floor beneath him, the draolf moaned sensually at the feeling of space being freed up in his stomach.
Marcus's education (tiger/skunkette smut and vore_
A lot of air went down trapped in her fur and marcus let out a long belch as his belly squeezed tight around its prize.
Larg-O's Stuffing House
When he finally, unfortunately, found the last plate clean, he sat back with a satisfied burp. "boy, you really pushed your limit this time big guy," he teased his gut, rubbing it tenderly.
Working Off a Meal
Charlie let loose a long, thick belch, and patted his wriggling gut. a pleasured sigh escaped his lips and he leaned back, then burped again. "burrrraahhhhpppp!" scaredy heard that sweet lullaby of a belch.
Natik's nearly perfect day (Leopard seal/dolphin vore)
Covering its muzzle with a fin to conceal unhinging its jaws (and to muffle a burp) it turned its head away to peer at the dolphin with one eye.
Take A Licking
She burped several times again, holding her mouth open on reflex. her face became even more simplistic as its human features vanished into the roundness.
shrek: dinner with a dragon (vore)
You can burp me up if something goes wrong, right? just wait for dinner honey. what are we having anyway? waffles? i am in the mood for them!"