Midline Shift 12 - Live at the T'Kina Estate
But he had another danger to contend with when he heard the crane from above start to move.
Revealed: Chapter 2
He was too much like crane to keep a promise like that. in fact, crane would be the first to learn about it and he would never, never, let me live it down. "there has to be another way." i pleaded with him.
3:23 So Very Far Away
With a sly chuckle, mihailov, turned and nodded up at the crane operator, doing a little motion with his paw for him to get to work. slowly the crane swung lazily over to the truck, as a few of isis's guards made the attachments.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 1-B
Was of course a crane.
Soul Rebellion #04: Punishment
Before the crane could answer, he held his hand, silencing him, "on second thought, don't answer, not interested" the crane was drawing his sword to silence the young serpent, but was held back by a black hand.
A Simple Phone Call
All the way down that narrow corridor was what looked to be a toy crane. lucky never talked much.
Iron Dragon Chapters 92-93
"there will be a handful of crane riggers on the barge with us. while we chain the vault down they will be on top freeing it from the cranes.
The new dinosaur (part 16)
I thought out loud "well, guess i'll leave this for tonight" i came back in the morning, the crane looked... different. i climbed into the cab and saw the arm was down in the bigger indominus rex's enclosure. she was gone!
Kung Fu Panda: Best Laid Plans Part 1
The other members of the five nodded in agreement to crane's statement.
Too Fast
If they grab a few while being dragged along, she might be able to resist his flying machine enough to squirm out of the crane's grip.
Death Takes a Vacation (By AmethystMythDen)
Four minutes passed before the door opened again, the crane letting out a clearly fake laugh at something the pilot said.
North and South Chapter 9: The Cleansing
"crane, the lead is yours. you will take our three appointed fighters to confront the guardian." "as you wish," returned crane, motioning for the three to follow him as he walked ahead.