The Cat's Stroll 20
**chapter 20:** **wan tanpei** * * * duty at the backdoor's forest entry post could be said to be pretty tedious, but also important.
Tears In Rain
"some parents think it's important." this young jackal did not. "does it bother you?" fran had raised her eyebrows. "why would it bother me?" her mother had shrugged. "some transfolk think it's important."
Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 21
The office was luxurious in an understate way, a variety of important church items tucked away on the shelves, pictures of the cardinal with the pope and other important people. damian was impressed by the one of him and the president.
Guidance's Of Life
Not to mention and most importantly its exterior, where everything important for her exists.
Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 03
I guess he must be really important to you then..." "he's the most important thing in the world to me..." "oh..." he lets out a heavy and disappointed sigh. "i see..." he looks back to eleven. "so how come you're telling me?
SPQR Chapter 4
The leopard was always sharp, intelligent, hard-working, and most importantly, humble to all his subjects.
A guide to understanding COC
This is a guide to help you, the important reader, better understand the chronicles of colin. because it is to be an ongoing work that is ever expanding and is always being added to, it may be difficult to understand where in time the story is.
Presentation - Writing Style
#2 of the art and science of writing nothing is more important than your presentation the three parts of a story are characters, presentation, and plot for most writers, this is the most important part.
Kattar- Chapter 2.
Who the more important cats are, and knew they wouldn't even look at him.
Tauren Tale, Chapter 12
"i don't pretend to understand their reasons, but something very important is happening here."
1. Academy Herald
"it takes courage to come and talk to an alien--an important person such as yourself. sir." the herald looked down at timby. timby could not read the look on his face, those big golden eyes and that yellow hooked beak.
The Lead Crown: Ch 7c, Proclamations (Pt 3)
Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 7.3, proclamations farika had spent many years establishing her routine, which was very important because the only staff for arnswold manor were-- rather, was her.