Kalek Kelegar
However, for the gortiens this sounds rather be triggered by the influence of anger or an unusually intense physical activity.
Slavery Legalized Characters
Suffered mild physical abuse before coming through georgio's slave distribution center, where the lion took her out of the system and gave her to tom and john.
A werewolf guide: Magic
Unlike alchemy, curses do not need a physical form. to elaborate, magic is not a physical thing; it cannot directly affect anything physical. to actually effect anything physical, large amounts of magic are needed.
Ch. 2 -- Dragon
When three meters of armored scales and wings was approaching, it made people far more accepting of minor physical contact with each other, as long as it meant avoiding physical contact with their owner.
Dragon and Reptilian - A Comparison
Over the following years i learned more and more about myself, until in late 2010 i discovered through various observations that i am physically non-human.
Tales of Alterra: chapter 1
Self, to a much older and taller xylas, not quite fully grown, but definitely older than what he is physically.
OR: Arcathions
**technology** : arcathions, while their physical stature may be misleading, are actually quite an ingenutive race.
Character Reference: James Finch
:** wrath **biggest vulnerability (non physical):** his capacity for emotional attachment.
Love & Magic - A Dragon CTF Story
We grew not only physically but also emotionally, learning valuable lessons from each experience that made us better equipped to face whatever life threw our way.
(Old) Chapt 2. The Results of One's Freedom
Hord's office was filled with books on physics and dark matter, documents on past projects, and writings on the chalkboard concerning quantum physics as well as an image of a lupinicdeer, broken down to its basic anatomy..
The Second Law - Part III
You were bound to see one sooner or later with your physical excitement." just barely poking out the lip of the otter's pants, his semi-erect penis showed off its humanoid glans to all who dared look. "goddess... it's not what i thought. ooh..."
The Beginning: Part 3
physical strength has clearly redeveloped. stronger restraints may be needed. **log** 7/19/1999: subject almost escaped. physical strength fully returned to subject. stronger restraints were applied today.