California Madness, Pt. 2

Not wanting to get caught in the impact zone himself, pan paddled furiously and let the board get caught by the next wash of foam, as it slowly propelled them closer and closer to shore.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 20

The danger zone was uninhabitable and full of mutated beasts and mutated victims of the danger zone, whose exposure to aether had turned them into mindless undead that hunt by instinct.

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Zootopia: The Wilde Bunch - Part 3 - Saturday Shooting

How do you like the 7th zone?" "just fine," responded nick about his command zone. "glad to see that you're commanding the 6th zone." "yeah," said jack, looking around the scene of the crime.

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D.E 1 Chapter 16: A New Friendship Blooms

In the distance, hasky saw someone very familiar and as she approached the evo she noticed it was one of our zone mates, jade.

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D.E1 Chapter 48 Father and son reunited

Suddenly, another evo which was also in charge of the zone walked in. he had been busy doing an inventory of the medical supplies of their zone, since he was the medic. "thanks for helping me with the report, schwartz!"

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The Duelists of Menagerie: Puzzles

Caledon was six zones away: practically the other side of the world. aldrew was uncharacteristically altruistic, purchasing their zone mounts and food to get them there.

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ch 8 a face from the past

Ash gave his little girl a pat on the head and set out into the safari zone alone while the riolu and three lucario decided to stick it out nearby.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 38: Overcome

The two canines' tone changed, saying something about school buses coming to pick us up once we reached the yellow zone. they seemed concerned about it, who cared why.... what the furry ass snuffles was the 'yellow' zone? did i care... nope.

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A Golden Award from the Galaxy

He rapidly wrote a note with his address and phone number on a notebook, and ran to the stage zone, where he waited near the landing zone under the crown-barrier.

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Learning to Live Again: Foreword

We only see it when we are pushed out of our comfort zone, into unfamiliar places. if you truly want to live, step outside that comfort zone. do something out of the ordinary.


Full Character Bios

-other: telekenesis; colored marings and eyes glow when activley using powers; can see with his powers (passive) -background: when silver was young, he became trapped in a low radiation zone with his brother, flame.