In My Wildest Dreams Part 13, Showdown With A Shorthair, This Time It's Fursonal

We both knew i could out kick him, since i had made up so much ground on him at state last fall in cross country.

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In My Wildest Dreams, Part 13 Showdown With The Shorthair, This Time It's Fursonal

We both knew i could out kick him, since i had made up so much ground on him at state last fall in cross country.

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In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 16 Takin' Care of Business and Workin' Overtime

"it is but we're starting to train for cross country season." i continued starting to get a bit agitated myself. "don't give me that fucking tone of voice you little bastard.

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The Big Lift

Duane had run cross country with him for the past 3 years, and it showed. the shep had a thin muzzle and toned body, not to mention that he had deep, blue eyes that could melt a heart.

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Red Twilight The Avatar Awakend promo chapter

Around this time immigrant labors would walk cross country, some chasseing the railroad, others just looking for an honest day's work.

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Rules be Damned

However, great plans all fell by the wayside when gerald and his friend miles were cross-country driving their off-road, 4-wheel motorcycles.

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"ok tyler, go as far and fast as you can, this one is going cross country!" the older badger shouted as he focused as much energy into his right arm as he could. "ok dad!" the young badger shouted back with a happy filled voice.

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Paying a Debt

He sold his house, and moved cross country to washington. he thought it was a good idea at the time, and now in his situation, he knew how wrong he was. the same voice from earlier broke him from his musings.

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Feeling Sheepish

My part time hobby of cross country running really came in handy as i started to gain on the fast little fur ball.

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 8 Ten Feet Tall And Bullet Proof

It pissed me off; he knew he was damn lucky to beat me at state in cross country. he wasn't going to get me again. there were no traps to spring on me on the track, i planned for it to just be me and him.

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"The Thin Line," Part PP

Nbsp; in a few minutes, those of us that had not already gone to man the trenches or go on patrol stood and watched as the king's messenger gently slapped the side of his ant, and it went skittering off cross-country

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Finding a Mate

Her curvy body was also very athletic and toned from years of running through the woods along with three years of cross country running in school.

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