Only Human (Chapter 7)

They obviously weren't very bright, they were wearing their uniforms, which tiera had mentioned being armor. above the neck was vulnerable though. he calmly slid in to a defensive stance, this time he wasn't going to let fear immobilize him.

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Spider Empire 03: Warrior

\<\\> alpha hesitated at first, he cannot get caught, and the road was very bright, he would have to make him walk away... how? how? then, he felt like he was going to vomit, but it was the spiders, he felt them...

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A Dragon's Tale: The Star's Journey- Chapter 23-Back To Iraq

It was very bright, matte blue with black wheels and aftermarket bumpers, side skirts and a carbon fiber looking wing. there were neon tubes glowing the same blue color as the car underneath all four wheels and underneath the car as well.

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Isolation-Excerpt 33- A Chat

The three arcs were connected by glass tubes that were filled with a dim blue glowing gas and arcing sharply contrasting very bright blue electricity.

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Wasteland Survivor – The story of Crystal - ch1

It was then the lights started to dim a little, and after a short very bright flash popped and turned off completely. "how many do you think are like us, and how many are gone? and just how big an area do you think this covered?"

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Whitetip and the Stallion

It was a very bright night as the moon was full. so bright in fact that he was able to walk along easily without having to struggle to see in low light.

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The Wolf Boy - Chapter 1 - A Tragedy

If you sit and talk with this boy for twenty minutes you'll see he is a very bright child. i'd adopt him if i had a stable enough life to handle another mouth to feed. please, if people talk with him they'll adopt. don't make him go back to the ghetto.

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Training a Naughty Puppy: Part 1

"the halls are just...uh, very bright." "oh yeah, sorry!" she said, giggling apologetically. "we don't get a lot of kitties coming through here, so i'm afraid the walls aren't 'kitty-friendly!' but don't worry hun! we'll have that fixed in no time!"

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Atrele: Like a (Pet) Fox

The first thing you would notice about him is his fur: he is a very bright (if not garish) shade of pink. he has none of the russet shades of the fox that he is anywhere on his body. he is just pink.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 5

They then walked into the fest, and avila needed guidance from avila as they were around very bright lights.

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"The Thin Line," Part KK

It was very bright, and on a night with a waning crescent moon, it had little competition as queen of the sky.

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 16

Most teachers would say, "he's a very bright boy! if he would just settle down and pay attention, his grades would be a lot better." which was true. david wasn't dim at all.

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