"The Countess" Parts 1 and 2

They sang of the conquest over the serpent highwaymen, and of the duel against the badger warlord; dalk. sir darek slid along the edge of the makeshift bench until he was pressed tight against sharess.

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The Fairy's Tale (Heat 15 preview)

One was a warrior who always lusted for conquest. and the other was proud and refused to surrender. and so they fought. but they fought too near to the home of the aes sidhe, the people of the mounds, and in so doing enraged them.

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Genesis Part Five, Conquest Of Furegon Part:1

**furegon genesis part 5** conquest of furegon. pt1 by, charrio (charles uriarte) furegon had been under watch for years before the first colony ship was even started.

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Deijin - He Who Is Thrown From The Tower

Power was everything; that was something Deijin had learned very early on while living within his tribe. His people, a group of bipedal jackals who had long since conquered the sand dunes of the east, prized power above intelligence,...

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The small youthful green-scaled dragon kin beat his undersized wings firmly to keep aloft. These short airborne trips were all his small muddy yellow wings could manage. Taleahn was a green dragon born of some 104 seasons- this being but a fleck of...

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The Saga second take

Line of Sart Darkar sart (Deseased) Razen Sart (Living) Line of Daject Asint Daject (living) Pluvus Daject (Living) Caitlin Furl Daject (Deseased) Line of Tuss Helic Tuss (Deseased) ---Brothers--- Deslic Tuss (Living) THE SAGA...

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Leutenant-General Hao, NKVD.

Toffee_32's character hao: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/39887108/ the first image i saw of the character was the one of her in the nkvd uniform, so i imagined that she's the daughter of a chinese woman who fled to the soviet union during the japanese conquests

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City of the Damned (Part Three)

The tide of blood from my conquest will drown your creed in a turbulent wave of death." talon looked up, his jaw tight, as if he was straining himself. he looked up with a growl, his tail slowly coiling around the reptiles leg.


Come With Us To Gomorrah, Opportunity Knocks But Once

We are a rising and mighty nation, you might percieve--but we care not for conquest.

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Commander Shepard, Alliance Navy CH. 7: And One For Shepard

Grunt smiled broadly, eager to tell others of his leader's conquests. "he took a mate the only way you should! if there aren't any cuts or bruises afterwards, you weren't doing it right in the first place!" garrus couldn't hold it in anymore.

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Ragefire Captive - Chapter 4 - Cooldown

The orc boasted of his breaking of one of the vaunted blood elf warriors, of how she would bear many strong offspring as his concubine, his slave through right of conquest - but then he turned, and the expression on the warlock's face chilled jateej to her

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The Wolf's Heated Hell

His hindpaws dig into the floor, finding their grip on the green carpet, he bucks his hips forward, digging his massive jaws into his young wolfen conquest's ruff, drawing blood.

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