The Briin Expedition 5: Under the Radar
doom, mission time +155 kiloseconds damn, damn damn! i'm such an idiot!
The Briin Expedition 1: Point Insertion
Julia doom \*\*\* "good evening, doctor doom." julia loved it when people used her proper title. she wanted to impishly grin, but she was currently in blackout. "this is horizon summit operation.
Dogesh Centum Doomday 4
He turned back to the crowd and began to rise over those doomed lions.** **the expectant crowd lowered their eyes and covered their ears but i watched as is my duty.** **"the consequence for refusal is death!"
Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 11
You're basically saying that our love is doomed?" seigi turned his head at this, looking at me with confusion on his muzzle. "basically, yes. you guys will start to fight more and more, until finally seigi ends it.
In a pack part 1
Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to humans, his father the leader of the human clan orders for the death of his own child. his mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. more summary inside.
The Three Thousand Heroes
This is but one of the many legends spoken of by the wolves in the kandai region: the wolves of kandai knew that their town was doomed to be destroyed.
S what it is, the basis of our demise, not fire but six points that spell our doom. the world?s spinning motion is it controlled by these shapes? or are we spinning out of control?
Ragnarok - XX
How, written in the firey wine he drank, the all-father saw coming dread and doom, slaughter for him and his, and for the worlds that he had sown a neverending night and after that the nothingness.
Fresh Meat
Rather than allow him the limited dignity of limping to his doom the gator unceremoniously grabs his left ankle, and purposefully at that, to drag him up the stairs to the main deck.
A Sudden Turn of Events
Grocery stores were emptied, many people quit their jobs and stole guns and supplies, others simply gave up and waited for doom. what did the young man care?
Mirrors - Chapter 2
To sheik's final doom. _ i need to control myself. this is what i've trained for. i can't let my feelings about link confuse me like this.
The Real "Secret of Steel"
He was thulsa doom. and life for him was good.