New World, New Life Ch 1

After a little while i hear her come out calling down the hall to me. hey the bathroom's free. sighing a little i get up going to the bathroom looking around seeing that the hall had the same look as if it were carved out of rock.

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The Wolf-King

Once the proud warrior-king of the ancient wolfkin, he now sat looking over the silent halls of his crumbling keep. watching the pale forms of his spectral subjects as they milled about the ancient halls, still loyal long after their death.

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Antithesis, The Fall of Neutrality

Coming out into the entrance hall's balcony, he spied a leopard clad in steel plate armor below him, seeming to be directing traffic amid a milling mass of servants and half-clad guardsmen, all rushing pell-mell through the hall.

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If not someone...then I 3

We soon exited into the hall and made our way to the main hall in silence. no one seemed to be out but as soon as we made our way to the main hall i saw that was not the case. there where a few legends and their guardians in the main hall.


Halcyon Part 7-Chapter Six

They met up with the rest of the class and followed justin back to the mess hall.

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The Monster Within

They headed back to the hall. randal followed behind ten, keeping his gaze to the floor. he didn't look up again until they were back in the hall.

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Sophomore Year: The Loners

Last year i had friends to walk down the hall with, giving me something to look forward to, and now, i dreaded coming here. to walk down these halls, alone and misplaced. i felt angry and sad. lost and confused. alive, but dead inside.

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Evolution - Chapter 1

With a loud bang, one of the few remaining upright doors slammed open, and another of the felinoid creatures sauntered into the hall.

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Possible Concluision to Fenrir Story by Foster Tony

But as they opened the great doors to the halls of triumph they were greeted by the oracles standing beside the opulent throne of odin.

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Take It To The Limit

Came the shout of an older male from the entrance of the feast hall. bain cast his eyes up to see a nearly identical-looking fox, covered head to toe in the same robes as the younger one as he marched into the hall. "what did you plan to do?

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