Abyssus Abbey 2 Chapter 13: And Darkness Was Upon the Face of the Deep

How could he sleep when his mast-when tuco, he corrected himself mentally-was taken away and imprisoned? what horrors had he already faced in the prison of the throat?

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Incubation, Chapter 2

Their ultimate demise came by their own failure - their submission to alien pleasure which resulted in their consciousness being imprisoned within their own mind.

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New Recruits Part 1

Sonic and through a series of experiments he created the perfect fighting machine; fang, in order for him to be created robotnik used the power of all seven chaos emeralds and because of that fang became an unstoppable killing machine and for that robotnik imprisoned

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The Unwilling Thrall (A1, B1, C13)

And now i endure without your comfort, because you are imprisoned in the faraway land of the hot springs. yes, _endure_, it is a perfectly appropriate word. now.

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FInally, the roof!

Where.." began a dubious pyromancer, only to stop and stare with mouth gaping as a gargoyle, high above the roof began to shift, breaking free of its imprisonment in stone. "oh shit, oh shit! okay! guys!" "sure, kid...

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Unpleasantries, II

"you must imprison her in the garden until we have administered a suppressant for her zorine condition. furthermore, i thoroughly forbid any intimacy with this creature, regardless of her state of appearance.

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warmth in the den

"me not that kind of orc" the orc muttered as he felt the trolls cloth imprisoned erection press against his exposed ass.

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Prologue

It imprisoned the alicorn princesses and threatened to kill them if the one that was seeking them did not appear.

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the tomb of lucario

Time freezes suddenly and dialgas booming vioce can be heard from all around"my children this is a test to see if you are worthy to enter my realm,defeat zekrom and imprison him in the cave behind the waterfall." time slowly speeds up again leaving me to react

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imprisoned with strangers whose teeth tore me to pieces each and every night. tiny pools barely big enough for us to turn around in. no escape from the anger they vented on me. anger at the ones who held them there.

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The Vee Diaper Experiment

Atlas called back as he ran into a storage closet, the spiders ignoring vee and going after their "imprisoner". vee chuckled as he hopped onto a worn couch.

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 34

It's how i came across the library that would start all the mess that would end with me imprisoned in a hearth." "why did you do it? i mean, you had to know going up against the society was a stupid move."

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