The Role of an Gaian Monarch

-the role of a king is to protect their respective gaia temple, manage the military force and police forces and serve as an enforcer to the laws and are seen as the head of their kingdom much like a president.

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The Kobold and the Prince

And indeed there was more than just the instinctive respect of someone who understood how someone was meant to talk to nobility. this was the sort of respect that came from a deep and genuine place, as though it had been earned.

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Chapter 2: Innocent Acting

Shadow, too, had his head turned towards his respective window. his eyes were silently surveying the landscape outside, registering every nook and cranny he could see.

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Hypnovember Day 7 - Gaze

A charming family to be sure, and very respectful at that." you thank him for the compliment. you realize you haven't blinked in a while. nothing changes in that fraction of a second.

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lone dragon pt5

You are free to meddle with the affairs of your respected kingdoms but not mine. as our agreement stated these are mine. now let us go to our respective tents..."

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Down in the Celler; Chapter 3

You'll treat your master with respect or you'll be sorry." "you can shove respect up your ass!" aron delivered a quick punch to the fox's face. he let out a yelp of pain. "i asked nicely."

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The Grand Tour, Part 1

"you told me, my lord, that the only people unworthy of respect are the willfully disrespectful. you have no power here yet," she sneered at the dog, "and i promise, you never will."

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The Lead Crown, Ch 5.6 Noriene

Despite that minor show of respect, his words were accusatory, "i understand that you met with an envoy from ilyse previously...

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Galaxy On Fire Chapter 2

I prompted this question after i brought over all our drinks, each made specifically for our respective species' dietary restrictions. "he has actually earned our respect, unlike most of the human alliance we run into," flarn said.

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Mike's Journey

Maintaining his distance, witnesses the passionate connection between the werewolves, mike respected their privacy while immersed in the enchantment of werewolves as weredog and the werehyena pleasuring each other.

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The Lady's Werewolf - 1 -

Commonfolk and guards alike made way for them with much greater respect and alacrity than they did for her alone.

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Tanning of a Black Moon

She liked respected, and she offered respect to those whom offered it to her. she didn't consider herself crabby, or bitchy, or snotty or stuck up. just...high of standards.

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