Anything For Family
The sound of the birds rang in the garden, they sang lustfully to one another, calling out back and forth with loud trills. The doors opened out to the balcony, showing the moonlight that was spilling in along the darkened room. It wasn't the sound of...
The Morning after the night before part two: Metamorphosis
Part 2: Metamorphosis How would you react, how would anyone even begin to contemplate the future after experiencing something a crazy as what had just happened to the exhausted fox that knelt upon the floor of his own bedroom beside the sodden...
Fairfax family secrets Ch.2: paybacks a bitch and a boy finds love
Wow, I never expected people to like the first part as much as they did. I might actually be good at this smut stuff. Anyway as promised here's part 2, I might keep it running longer if the feedback is good. This Chappy is more about love than sex, I'm...
Dag Gone Dobie
The trick behind defeating a larger opponent is to know, not how to out maneuver them, but in how to out think them. To put them into a situation for which you will have the most control and thereby utilize your own abilities to the utmost while...
Taking the Dirt Track
Josiah looked at the running team uniform on his bed for the third time and, again, wondered where the rest of it was. He'd never really done the organised sport thing before, his high school hadn't been big enough to have anything much more than a...
Judging A Book By Its Cover (2/2)
For him to try and speak out of a muzzle that had a tongue bigger than what could hold it once second before suddenly shrinking but having a maw full of teeth but it appeared the fear of being annihilated by the other creature seemed to have the effect of reversing
Judging A Book By Its Cover (1/2)
It was the first time that he was awake to experience his reversion and it felt like steam being released from him, except that it was likely just excess power that couldn't be contained in his elven body.
Toping Debut
There was something about cracked concrete walls that had Rocky feel a little giddy. Perhaps it was the symbolism of how something so powerful could wear down overtime. Or maybe it was the gritty feeling that came with it. Or, more reasonably, Rocky...
Doggy Breeding Date
_Clink clink clink_. That was the first hint of Tristan's approach. He must have been carrying something with him. Drinks, maybe? Mahiri perked her ears up and scrambled up from her seat to take one last look at herself in the mirror. Needless to...
Mistaken Maiden
Harganthor surveyed his lands watchfully, the dragon perched on the precipice of a mountain shelf that he had flown to earlier that day in order to work through a deer that he had captured earlier. As a mighty red dragon he held all the lands in the...
2626 CH 9 (An Orr World Story)
Chapter-9 Theo felt his annoyance raise. Marcus was back to being distant. Sure, it no longer mattered, he had the sample, and the nanites would be at work, but the mongoose still hadn't said it. Theo had been sure that after the night under the...
[SNEAK PEEK] Poolside Manner
"I must say, if you will permit me-" "No, please, go right ahead." "-Thank you, Sir. I wish to point out that you do seem incredibly tense, and that it is significantly hampering your enjoyment of this day." "I don't feel tense," Adamos said,...