The Kindness of a Dragoness

Since i had traveled far from the sick society i had left behind, i had little reason to doubt that i was the first human to discover this cave. it was all very appropriate that my death would preserve this places secret until the next wander found it.

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Family reunion

And of course there's vore. 83 \*\*\*\*\* **family reunion** **by strega** it was a fine carriage, all oak and gold leaf, and by all rights it has no business being where it was: in a lonely wood two miles from the caravan

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The amber Lion 2

She'd have to find out if he could eat human food, and maybe it was time to let andrea know. it wasn't nice to be selfish. that could wait. karen gasped as barbed lion cock slid in, and bit into her pillow.

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What a fine day

If not for the fact that he actually was somewhat fond of his human wife, he would just leave his stepdaughter where she was to be found later or to die.

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Meeting Rick

She was human, after all, and he was human only in shape, and that only mostly. ranger rick was an anthropomorphic raccoon, one of a very few of his kind in the world just as his boss smokey was one of perhaps five anthro-bears.

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Patience is a Virtue

Harder they bucked against one another, moisture collecting between each other's crevices until a mighty howl filled the chamber and a thick, heated blast gushed forth, filling the young human's middle.

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Breaking in the Housekeepers

He was standing at the edge of a bustling outdoor market, crowded with humans and various species of anthros. unlike the typical market, however, nobody was bartering for food, crafts, or magical items.

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Behind the mask

The human girl, i never even learned her name! then poor jacob. oh god, jacob." he edged close enough to put his hand on her knee comfortingly. her tail swept around as she suppressed a sob, 'accidentally' ending up against his own.

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Dean Savage (a Totemic story)

Morgana's human face was still almost there, hints of the sly eyes, the gorgeous smile. her shoulders and arms were feminine, her legs, while large enough to carry her new bulk, were unmistakably female.

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Nom-U: Vorientation

This is our arts and film building, so most people are just gonna have like, one or two humanities in it, if that. a budding film major is probably gonna have almost all of his classes in there, though. oh, also!

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A Lazy Afternoon

Her head was adorned with two long tapered ears, each as long as a human's forearm. instead of scales, her body was covered with a layer of silky fur, moss green fading to milky white on her underbelly and the bottom of her muzzle.

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Club Co'est - PokeBrothel - Part 4

.** \*\*\* contains soft, safe vore. \*\*\* emerging from the shower a few minutes later, both men were now fully clothed and ready to find the charizard that they had promised to meet back in the club's cafe.

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