Call from the Viceroy
You're not going to control this call. you're not even going to touch yourself until i tell you. do you understand? good. i'm sure you'll wanna know what i'm wearing. i'll admit, i've had some trouble deciding in the first place.
It's Called Mini Golf it's called mini golf by calextheneko a rust-colored lion ran on all fours through the city streets with a short green cloak flying on his back.
FlounderAway: Shadow’s Call
Flounderaway: shadow's call through the fluffy clouds, virkoal and the pirates have arrived to the remote isolated island. but it was smaller than what they had expected.
They Didn't Call For A Priest
"heh, call me priest." a quick glance at the bomb didn't show her any trigger mechanism on it, so she felt good enough about smacking the jackal out of the chair.
Call me Evelyn
"please, call me evelyn."
Calling the Storm God
No, they embodied the power of the wind itself, calling down their god, the one who made all of it possible for them.
Flora: Ink to Call
Keep that type of treatment up and you can call me whatever you want and i'll call you whatever you want."
Call of the Mesmerizing Herald
call of the mesmerizing herald as she was exploring a cavern that piqued her interest while she was walking, garudamon couldn't help but feel a bit excited about the possibilities of what's inside.
Unexpected Booty Call
"mmh...well, as much as i enjoyed this rather spontaneous booty call...i need to get breakfast," viperious groaned, but didn't move for a moment. "...maybe my sons can join me." "proklyat'ye..."
Last Call (Story)
The bell on the door jingled as another customer waltzed in, the dark furred bovine grumbling at first as he was just about to close up shop, "sorry, but you missed last call."
Wake-Up Call
I don't think we'd find our calling in that sort of thing...really, we just want to see the world, and let the journey strengthen us and make us better." gus laughed. "well, now, ral, i'm sure it's been quite a journey!
Wake Up Call
The sunlight streamed through the bedroom window, shinning onto the double bed and highlighting the two sleeping figures. One stirred slowly, shielding the bright light from his face as he worked his eyes open, blinking the last dregs of sleep from his...