It might be allegorical or metaphorical or whatever, i didn't really keep track while i was writing through it.
Untold tale of the BASIC team- A sadistic tale set in the Halo universe
metaphors suck. a uniformed if not unibodied gentlemen steps in with a general-issue dedicated news reader (dnr because we hard working men are fucking lazy with reading).
Eve: you're reaching a bit on your metaphors, mister. narrator: sorry, i'm just getting distracted by your masturbation. james: i thought you were just a voice. narrator: i...erm...james is ready to test this myth. right? james: what?
metaphorically speaking, that is. truth was, the carim lords weren't _quite_ sure just _what_ they'd created. the creations had free will, but no definitive proof of a soul had been seen. eracith shrugged.
Unbroken Bonds: Chapter 2
Kelly quite definitely knew how to hit a guy where it hurt, not just in a metaphorical sense either. urban had accepted long ago that kelly would never let him live down that little experience at their first sleepover.
Macro Mischief - Nuts to be you
And this gray squirrel had spent his whole summer romping around and was the metaphorical grasshopper in the old children's fable story.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 25 - Missouri
In preparation for their long journey, did they stare at the winding river before them like a metaphorical gateway to the wild west? most likely. i bet they never could have imagined st.
Zonktober 2022 - 8. Transformation
Well, now that was a terrible metaphor, pyrex thought. "listen, hyena," the kobold said. he tried to make his voice commanding and reassuring at the same time, and almost succeeded in both.
Presto - Chapter 6
_a fitting metaphor, no_? all boxed in, self-sentenced, and nothing to look forward to but maybe another box. how long had he lived like this - no, existed like this? too long, surely. but no, this wasn't about him, not really. he had to keep going.
Feathers Aren't Just for Tickling
Her perky tits jiggled back and forth as she struggled with her bondage and tried to spread her legs, clumsily inviting the motley crew of smirking anthros to give her the last few touches she needed to climax, to chomp down on falco's metaphorical cherry
Spa Day
Her brain began to trickle from her ears in a slow, metaphorical trickle. any cares that remained in her mind were far away, backed into distant corners by an overinflated balloon of pleasure, threatening to burst and send her into madness.
In this case, snow is a metaphor for pristine, virgin, and youth as an expression of white-- red, as you will read, is a disruption of the innocence, even if it is not the defilement.