Little Red and The Wolf
After breakfast, little red put on his costume that he and his older bro picked together but the thing is that boys from his school will make fun of him by his costume because he act like a girly girl "big bro can i put my costume on when i get home please
The Costume of True Desires (Krystal TF TG)
Richard was browsing through an online costume s. it was a bizarre looking one, but he had a party to be at and needed a costume. he found a pilot costume and ordered it. a package arrived and richard took it in.
Still Untitled Kueh and Aeck Story
She was dressed in a shiny, spandex and very purple q-bee costume. she had her hip cocked to one side, looking me over in my own costume. her wings were golden trimmed, along with all the metallic details over the costume.
Invader Witch + Salem Myu
The outfit had a small panel out the neck for viewing, and a very floppy head. "not the best costume to start off with...but a good one. hey you!" cassandra raced up to the person in the dinosaur outfit. man, woman, it didn't matter.
Inflate-a-Flammie 2 DX: If the Fur Fits...
I don't know (candy) what it was (costumes) about the holiday that (candy) captured my interest the most (costumes), but it was certainly something that i look forward to more than (candy and costumes!!!)
Something Witchy in Salem
After getting unbuckled, pan was carried into what looked like a costume shop. there were rows and rows of masks and costumes. pan didn't like this place. some of the masks were scary.
The Dragon and the Kit at the Party
I refused to don my half of the costume.
In The Otter House pt.1
After what an agonizing wait, daisy came back with an outfit that made ashley blush furiously at the sight of it. it was a perverse french maid outfit!
The Pokemon Parade
He was wearing a rather fancy costume of a reuniclus, with his jacket shimmering as he moved. ash and clemont beamed as the shimmering costume dazzled them.
Office Party [story / dog / multiple]
Blood rushes down and my labia begins to swell, pressing against the black fabric of the costume. and then the lips continue to bulge and the costume grows damp.
Spirit Force Adventures! Ep 6
I've been working on this costume for a costume party coming up soon. something like this would set my superhero outfit over the top~" "y-you're dressing up as a hero? but... i thought you didn't like-" "shhhhh, debby!
Welcome to Jurassic (Theme) Park
A simple electrical signal was all it took to get the costume to its proper form.