What's your name again?

Breakfast in hotels, something I have grown far too used to. The usual buffet, waitresses still bleary eyed and guests of every shape size and story even more bleary eyed. As an avid observer of humanoid behaviour I love breakfast in hotels you can...

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A Bunny Tail

A little bunny girl sat on a ledge. She was looking down to the world below. The sun was just rising, the birds were chirping, the smell of the lilacs was thrilling to her exquisite nose. Her large ears could hear everything, from birds to the...

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\* I was standing in the room alone with my uncle. Or was it step-uncle? Uncle-in-law? What was it when you weren't related but still related? All those thought on semantics ground to a halt when I heard the words out of my whatever-uncle's...

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Playing a Game of Old Maid (Commission for Steel)

Stilkur (Steel) was pacing outside the caves that made up the council chambers of the ruling dragons. While there wasn't much of anything they could do to him for his constant breaking of the rules, he was still rather nervous about this subpoena. His...

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A Bunny Tail Continued

I sipped my wine while he got dressed. He was glancing my way, and I had to fight the urge to cover my chest with the sheets. It was a normal reaction. His look wasn't lascivious, but more how I imagined a man might look at a lover he is leaving for...

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The Subject Under Discussion

# The Subject Under Discussion If science ever does figure out how time actually works, I would be willing to wager that it will stem in part from discovering how placing the words "look" and "out" in close proximity seems to have an effect on that...

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Warm-Up 3: I Have Ways of Making You Pay

**I Have Ways of Making You Pay Starring Vicki By Draconicon** "So, you won't fund my next dig site?" "I'm sorry, Vicki, but there's no way that we can justify another expenditure of that size. If you'd found something on your last expedition,...

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Of Actions and Reactions...(By the light chapter 5)

Chapter 5...Of Actions and Reactions... **"HHHHOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!"** Simeon's ears swivelled on his head. Where he was lying, Helewys' call echoed around the vale as she summoned the bitches' circle the...

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An Educational Vacation

Ben, tiger, age 11 Rael, draconian, age 21 **An Educational Vacation** 'Sure, what the hell. I'm just bumming around this week,' I answer, 'Just make sure he brings enough clothes, and his toothbrush and all that.' My aunt has to travel for...

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The Purr-fect Grease Monkey

_From the grimy window of his office, Norman watched the work being done on the floor of the garage. He had a fleet of mechanics working for him, keeping the customers' cars in tip-top shape. They were a mixed lot, that much was for sure, each with...

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Climbing Corporate Pt. 5

The lights were out. Most of the cubicle farm was blurred in darkness, but here and there, solitary cubicles shone with the light of their own little lamps within. It was sometime after eight in the evening, and only a handful of employees remained,...

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Don't Look Now

Despite being a short journey, on the drive to Wendy's house Jake found himself unable to stop fidgeting. He was nervous, his limbs tight and heart racing. He felt both ashamed and relieved that his brother knew the truth. Ashamed because...well, Brady...

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