So You've Just Become a Werewolf

It can be difficult to keep your animal instincts in check, especially when inexperienced. accidents happen, and we can't promise that you won't make this mistake. once this happens it's important you take responsibility for your mistake.

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Shipwrecked on Fantasy Island

When the moon is full, our transformation is stronger and it's more difficult to control our animal instincts." erik nods, fascinated by this new information.

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Wolfhood: Chapter Five - Fate

Aiden gave in to the animal instinct, copying the wolf girl's exploring sniffing around her neck and back, clawed hands out stretched over her shoulders dropping around her hips.

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Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 4

"the full moon is the time when a werewolf is at his strongest and his animal instincts are at their most dominant. it's only once his primal wolf has manifested that we'll know what kind of wolf he truly is.

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Spoiling the Snake (PERSONAL)

In some ways, they were more strong-willed; they weren't dragged down to utter feral-ness, weren't reduced to nothing more than animal instinct. however, they were left in a very suggestible state of mind, and that was a weakness all its own.

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Hybrid Isolation Experiment #12 - Ursus Arctos

The subjects are encouraged to embrace their animal instincts as much as their human faculties allow, and to treat the surrounding region as their personal territory.

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Slow and Steady (Tortoise TF)

He shook his head a few times, to try and lift the fog of animal instinct that had descended upon his psyche. but it was too late. it had already become so much harder to resist the female's offering before him.

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Down among the Dead men (Ch. 18)

Across all cultures, across all animal instincts, across all the globe, save for one place, fear causes an adrenaline rush, a spike of energy that heightens focus and tunes all aspects of the body towards one purpose.

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Sex with a Flame

The pleasure that davis was giving him made it so that he barely had control over his animal instincts. he gave a grunt of pleasure as his hips his davis' behind again, this time with enough force that made their balls slap together.

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In My Time of Need - Chapter 10

They weren't much different than us, still anthropomorphic but rather than being able to think cognitively and make coherent thoughts, animal instinct ran rampant through their minds causing them to attack anything that entered their territory, just as a normal

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Guns & Arrows: Segment of my book "Planes"

Sevlow and the two other shifters fought in a fury of raw animal instinct as severed heads and body parts fell and scattered all around them. they were hit by numerous gunshots but never showed any sign of slowing down or even discomfort.

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Tade still felt the onrush of pleasure; his animal instincts took over his senses, and there was no going back for him. with the utmost passion, he uttered "please, don't stop." tade's reassurance in him brought forth his forward attitude.

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