A College Life Part 2

"hun stop making fun of people you were doing good with no doing that when we finally met." said moxy. "i know i'm sorry josh." said drake. "it's ok now help me find my tool box." said josh.

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Our Kind Just Don't Get Along: Stolen Kisses

She had expected him to push her away, perhaps even make fun of her for being weak at that moment, but instead he had comforted her, and something deep inside her let her know that the last howl she had heard had been caused by him.

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My True Love (part 1)

About things like making fun of the rap songs playing and the people grinding each other even if they barely knew each other. the rest of the dance was a blur as i talked to her. anyone who talked to me had to shout to get my attention.

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Nitemare and Lady: Lady's Arrival

Nitemare thought she was making fun of him and he had a confused look on his face. 'i'm starting there tommorow.' she finished her glass and her robe slid down off her sholder, giving the wolf a perfect view of her breasts.

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Love Within War 8

#8 of dragon wars for a single night i spent inside of the garage because my "mate" has a pissy fit with me making fun of her wrighting or something that has to do with her spelling, i don't know for sure but, being in the garage was a major bitch and now

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Here Be Dragons

"are you making fun of me?" it snarled. its neck seemed to be growing longer; too, its head was weaving about in front of me. suddenly i could see long, razor-sharp yellow teeth in that huge mouth.

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Full of Life: Or Lack Of

A well known senior, one of the fur's that make fun of me the most. "c'mon jedk, not today man..." i said apprehensively "heh heh, what are you ... going to do you little... ass fucker!" he replied rather slowly.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

The female dog mocked the kirin like she always liked to do, making fun of sasuga's unihorn. "hah! good one, kathy!" one of katherine's accomplices, the white-furred mouse one, snickered.

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Walmart Digi-Blast : friendship

Scream jake. 5 hours later other digimon would come by make fun of jake or just making him mad the one that mead him mad the most was gotsumon then there was an explosion behind him jake turn to look and saw turuiemon . a friend of tsume ... well kinda of

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The Fun Has Just Begun (Part 4)

My fur is so light i bet the other wolves will make fun of me." becky suddenly covered herself up with her arms subconsciously, thinking about what the other people might think of her. "becky there is no way anyone would think of that!

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Sigarr F. Seggr: Overdrive User

Calling him a runt, and making fun of his size is one of the easiest ways to get him riled up. and, initially, this is how he was able to access his overdrive power, through an intense fit of rage.

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The Orphan

People did make fun of me because of my hair length, but that was because of my mom wouldn't let me cut it unless she was around so, i keep it long and actually i kind of liked it too.

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