Virishian History
With some initial surprise (and the rage of the most radicals) of his followers, the young male accepted.
The Shadows Chronicles: Two - Loving Tears.
The young male's ears fell back as he thought, "becuase...becuase..."
A Morning in the Pines
Finally, the young male spoke again. "if you don't mind me asking, what brought you here in the first place?" he inquired. she sighed. "well, i've been feeling...uneasy lately. i don't know what it is, but it's been driving me insane.
King Takes it All Part 6
Scar winced at the sight of the young male's large balls, but he was pleased the boy was subservient enough not to ask the king to touch him there. scar prepared himself behind the young male and then slowly pulled himself onto the boy's back.
Jason and Speedy - chapter 2 Who's that sleeping in my bed?
It was obvious that the young male was asleep, even if there was a soft smile on his face. now, jason did not really mind what his nephew was doing but it was making the older male grow excited too.
I Know What It Is You Want
It was a story about a young male from a small town who attends a local temple to become a scribe. the other boys know what they want to be from the moment they arrive there, but this young male has no idea.
[SotO] Chapter 13: Two more…
It took a few climaxes of the young males until their females got their first climax while ai already had her third. even though the young males went very fast the girls did not exhaust as fast as ai.
Snow's Journal (Entry One)
#1 of snow's journal entries a little project of mine about a young,male khajiit (snow) who begins keeping a journal as he goes through a part of his life as an assassin,meeting the love of his life along the way,and eventually settling down with him.
Ch. 1 Not Just A Pretty Face
Feeling a finger to his lips instantly silenced the young male as he stared deep into those emerald gems to see a serious but playful look. "jase...not officer.
Preview: Highschool Drama
The coach, a germen shepherded around the mid-age of 32, told he would notify the janitor of his two young male replacements. leading too this evenings young males opening the creaking doors of their gym's locker rooms.
The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 16 - Nighttime
The young male's suspicion was only aroused when he suddenly felt a paw caress and stroke his full sac, even though kiara was clinging to him with all four legs.
The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 34 - Of Princes And Proper Breeding
With one last lunge nala knocked the young male's muzzle to the side and broke the kiss, her own chest heaving.