Presto - Chapter 7
Alison produces the comedy stage at the big summer benefit." "and david does all the technical stuff - lighting, sound. everything. we make a _lot_ of money, and it all goes to a worthy cause."
I have a bunch of comedies." i nod numbly and go lay down on the couch. he fiddles around with the dvd player and tv and the movie starts. i sat up and he sat down beside me. "you know, you can lie down.
The Breaking of Jacob Stantz: Prologue
Find a mindless sex comedy, jack it, do some coke, more booze, tug the old jersey over his softening, pudgy blob of a belly and watch the old films of his games to re-live the glory days before trying to pass out in bed.
Vosa (Kreet 20)
Maybe you can think of this as comedy relief, since kevin's not doing the job as well as i'd hoped. "but, i thought he was at the monastery! or had started his apostlate by now anyway," kreet said as they ran back through the path in the woods.
My Marriage journal(teaser)
(new story of comedy and sex see how this is received if this should be a one shot or a series. plz vote to see and feedback appreciated) the drums were resounding while the bridesmaids prepared the bride.
The Safeword is 'Papa' (ch.6)
And besides, it had all the hallmarks of a great comedy: irony and playful racism. it was about midway through his story when i realized something.
CatDance #25
Just a little lighthearted comedy to end the show." "you say that, but how can i even show my face again? everyone will be laughing at me." mikael stroked her ears. "no they won't. you _know_ they won't!
High Times at Mitchell High Part One: School Daze
Plus i've always enjoyed stoner comedies like dazed and confused, up in smoke and detroit rock city, so this was sort of my chance to write one. this was written as a comedy, you know, just something to laugh at, and i got a good kick out of writing it.
Invane: Always that one
In the previous stories, the other wolves were the ones being stupid and dumb for the sake of comedy. this? this is very important however.
Suddenly Becoming an Omega an Omegaverse Story Part Eight
Jason is watching this unfold on the screen as he knows like most romantic comedies that they are going to kiss at some point.
The Dancer
It seemed like another comedy act; a woman acting the fool in a man's suit. until, with a surprise zip, the fox's suit split right down the middle, falling in a heap on the floor.
An Electric Friendship
From the title alone, and the lack of explosions, sports cars and gory imagery, chuster assumed this was either a comedy, romantic comedy, romantic drama, comedic drama or a mix of all of those so there was something for everyone not into cheesy action and