Nighthowler 2, Ep. 1
The very same outfit worn by the villainous wildcat dominatrix white claw. **[ ****c**** ] zootopia police department uniform.
Atari’s Halloween Treat
"mmmhh... hope you liked your treatment," the costumed tiger purred.
Suiting Up- A Mtf Leopard TF/TG
The smallest child, a little boy in a pumpkin costume, stared at him. "nice costume, mister!" from that moment on, otto forgave the amazon listing and got more into things as the hoards of children descended on his doorstep.
Transformation Stream Story 14: Make a Guard Out of You
Make a Guard Out of You for Sanmer by Draconicon Grant sighed as he opened his locker. The other guards were already halfway out of their clothes, and he had to hurry to catch up, rapidly stripping off his shirt and throwing it into the locker....
A Wish Granted
Time to get your tail working, and lucky me, a weird lady in a cubone costume sold me this nidoking suit. said i could even battle like a real nidoking in it an everything, so _ **we're** _ gonna battle!"
Easter Surprise
Easter Surprise By Bunny Hops []( []( []( ...
A Noticeable Improvement
The otter murred and strokes his paws over her latex jester costume. "oh no. not at all, " he replies with a somewhat obvious sarcastic tone.
Party Crashed (Vore Story)
Ursa couldn't place the costume they were wearing, but it didn't matter once they were inside of his balls.
Hyding in Plain Sight
Jake decides to attend a costume party, but once there the costume he chose to wear has other ideas about how he's going to spend his evening! this commission was written for wes13.
Superbunny - Chapter Four
Then he was spurting his second climax of the morning into his costume, his cum pooling in his belly button and soaking through the stretchy material over his abdomen.
A Gene Pool Party
Two guys get fancy lyrca costumes for a costume party, they get a little too much into character. max sighed through his nose as he thumbed through the rack.
Lion suit
Somehow, your armpit hair is being absorbed into the costume, as it reappears on the outside of the costume as brown fur.