Among the Stars Ch. 2
#2 of among the stars the crew makes a stop at a hub-station. jae has to figure out how to act when in public, and the crew heads to a night club. "so, you told him then?"
The BlackJack pirates 2
Who here would challenge my right" i yelled the challenge to the crew, the loyalist all responding in fury. the crew has been split, the mutineers comprising the bulk of the new order, the loyalists already bound to the main mast.
Song of the Space Finch part 1 of 4
Little kate hopped up, "he went to watch the crew after they arrived." my green-tipped wing feathers twitched slightly in annoyance. i had told them to stay until i was sure we had a friendly crew. oh well, the impetuous habits of youth.
Volume 5 Scurvy dogs
Henningsway growled as the crew of the scarlet squall formed a chain of buckets to start bailing water from the quickly flooding hull. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a cheer went up on the siren's song as the crew
Journey of the Valiant - Part I
Then, as his crew wickedly chuckled, the ferret captain produced his personal whip from his outfit pocket.
To The Sky
"yeah, not the crew for her." ilorek spoke up. "and we need someone who can do repairs so you'd be invaluable on our ship. plus, we have a very large crew and you seem like a sociable girl.
Distant Earth CYOA part 28
Some of the crew might get to oxygen masks but most of them wouldn't, he couldn't vent from bridge or engineering but the crew would no longer outnumber the pirates.
Flying Mile High Chapter 2
Anyways, i'll do the crew briefing on the bus". replied joe.
Inquiry into the sinking of the H.M.S. Thunder Child
Were any systems inoperable due to crew shortages? and were the crew assigned different or irregular duties?
Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (6)
Your mother is surely waiting for you with dinner. " martin moved the seat back and the boy quickly jumped down from his legs but before he ran out of the cockpit, the boy stopped and turned around to the crew and said to the crew.
Into the Horizon: Waiting for Dawn
His crew was performing well above and beyond what they had been trained to do. they had become one with the crew of the fox ship. things were not easy by any stretch of the imagination.
Tales From The Orion: Part 2
He paused looking over the bridge crew. "now, everyone place your weapons on the floor and slide them to me." the crew did as he said, not protesting. "who's the executive officer?" the cheetah asked, and cal stepped forward.