Gift From Heaven World Introduction
Fourth level guarded by fourth gate was granted in basic basic illusion magic and stronger versions of darkness, pain and hell fire magic. creatures from this level were nightmares, anthropomorphic hell horses with horns like unicorns.
Seth vs Adaeze 1
"your... your illusion it's..." "it's not a transformation, nor is it a mere illusion. you fully believe you are what you want to be, and what you want to be is given a good ride..."
With Friends Like These
Whoever was following him was leaning against the tree behind him, "the illusion of yours would have worked if she wasn't with me." the guy placed his hand on a gothorita; she smiled brightly holding onto his fingers.
Lost with internity
Like a switch had been flipped in my head, my perception of the world radically differed and distorted into a surreal blend of mental illusion and physical manipulation.
Belly Up in a Gut
'illusion forest mission. assignment: find the location of missing pokemorphs and cause of disappearances culprit: rogue alakazam.
Freedom Fire Chapter 3: In the Mouth of Darkness
"what a great illusion you got there, dragon," said the dragon. "i bet a magician gave you that trick."
Lessons in Jahaliyan Manners - 2
He looked eagerly behind her as the illusion cave began to twist and vibrate, setting a scene. kestrel pulled away from him and strode into it, taking her place.
Chance Encounter
The two sneaked past the people as zoroark illusioned themselves as humans . suicune felt exposed just walking through the city, cutting straight to the tower.
Dedication of the Tower
And that was the last of dakkon scribe's illusion.
They part i once loathed the thought of falling in love thinking it may never happen to me i was certain about that until that faithful day i remember that i fell into its spell its daze was so real but it was just an illusion
A wild mate has appeared
Zoroark waved her hand and the cozy cave turned into the illusion of a wide open field, the burning fireplace still in the middle. the illusion was perfect, the blue skies above were clear, with just the right amount of puffy clouds marring it.
frame relationships
In an a-frame relationship one of the partners is mostly dependent on what the other partner can give the illusion of fulfillment for.