A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 3-In The Results
With a little bit of gentle force,i was able get the mashedherbs onto my son's bleeding shoulder.
Rowan and Aroura, Chatper 2: A Cute Reunion
Unlike the first one he killed, the blade in his shoulder went through, rather than sliding down through the heart.
Journey to another world ch44
Now if you are doing this for the first time, the shoulders or shoulder blades are always a good place to start. so that's where i began.
Drakonian Desires - Part Two of Two
He put his arm and wing over her shoulders, the membrane spreading over her back like a cloak.
The bunny released a high-pitched squeak and thrust backward, folding his long ears submissively over his shoulders.
Accidentally Infinite
Are those two still on my shoulder?"
Lessons Learned
He sat up and moved in closer to me, leaning into my form and laying his soft head against my shoulder with a quiet murr. i pulled my arm down from the headrest and wrapped it around his shoulder, leaning my own head against his.
Avatar of Corruption Part 4: Evil
A bony hand shot out and caught his shoulder, exerting a surprising amount of force for someone so boney. intri grunted, shrugging his shoulder in a vain effort to dislodge him.
His shoulders ached a little. it wasn't bad, but his back felt bunched where his shoulder blades were pulled together. the feeling distracted him more than anything.
A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #4
Sol golden fur with blue eyes, heavy bulker thinker plates, bulky chest plate with a collar that covers the neck, larger shoulder pads the cover all the shoulders and provide some head protection thicker armor on the ankles with a single ford facing
When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 3: My Life Flashing Before my Eyes...
Tony was still agonizing in pain, holding his left shoulder and trying to control the bleeding.
Big Dude Wrestling #2
"1 . . . 2 . . ." the referee counted but rico was now the one getting his shoulders up off the canvas.