The Royal Curse

She wore a pink dress with red gems that complimented her red coloring and matched the gems inset in her tiara. her amber eyes, which she was named for, glinted with annoyance in the relative darkness. "...yes.

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NOC ch17: Kismet

All the while, melody bennett continued to collect ribbons and tiaras, sashes and trophies. she never let on that she'd grown to despise the world she was entrenched in and everyone who inhabited it.

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Orbital - A tale from the time after the events in Saber's War

tiara opens the last canteen and kneels in front of goliath, her golden eyes begging the big cat without the need for words. he takes the metal canteen and downs the drink in several long swallows.

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The Machine Stops

A group of a dozen had drawn near; their leader was made plainly apparent by an ornate tiara. "senior overseer patal welcomes you to the 4th district.

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Chapter 18: Journey to Aquas

He also wore an equally dazzling tiara comprising of countless pink diamonds into which were embedded five large, grape-sized diamonds in a darker pink hue.

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Chapter 3 – A Home to Look Forward To

Krystal took the tiara off, placed it back in the jewelry box, closed the lid, and handed it back to fox. "for now, that safe is probably the best place to keep this until we move in."

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Infinite Carnival

She produces a little brass tiara, the polished metal resting on deon's head as though it were meant to be there, a little green gem in the center.

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The Beastmaker's Age - YEAR 7

And thielwen, as always, had thrown herself into the matter wholeheartedly, once again demonstrating her ability to switch smoothly from submissive sex-freak to keen-eyed stateswoman and back again at the drop of an extremely fancy gold-filigree tiara.


Issue 01: The Guardiandragons

Between the big horns was a golden tiara with a big orange-red gem in it. the piece of jewelry gracefully covered her forehead and directly below her symbol shone on the scales.

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Ausgabe 01: Die Wächterdrachen

Zwischen den grossen hörnern befand sich eine goldene tiara, mit einem grossen orangeroten edelstein darin. anmutig bedeckte das schmuckstück ihre stirn und direkt darunter leuchtete ihr symbol auf den schuppen.

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Still a Party

The plastic new year's tiara fell out of her wavy brown hair and clattered to the ground noisily. "now strip." he didn't wait for her to obey before he started to remove his own clothing. jeans and jersey were quickly discarded.

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