Shifting Consequences--Chapter 24: Flash and Bang

Remember, no lethal force unless mission failure is imminent." cher concentrates on making her face appear more masculine and less canine as she runs for the stairs. she's in a suit and her breasts are small.

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The cat had to do his best and ignore his self-conscience and ignore it, elsewise he would surely fail the mission. failure was not an option to him. by the time he finished obsessing over preparation, it was time to head to the train station.

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Failure to appear will amount to a mission failure and you will be terminated remotely. failure to achieve your objective will also result in remote termination." there was a pause, "don't make us do it, mac.

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Destiny Intertwined, The Calm Before the Storm

Then he felt something give in his neck and his mission's failure was no longer a problem for him... \*\*\* cerule waited on one of the beams that spanned the width of the living room, staying motionless as the assassins he knew were coming opened

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The Amphitrite Files - Initiation

Any other result will constitute mission failure."_ "yes. permission for the talon to be used for reconnaissance..." there was a brief delay before the computer-generated voice responded. _"permission granted.

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Over Sea, Cover Blown?

She was tempted to sound the 'abort' code; mission failure. but she couldn't truly be sure until her identity was discovered. it couldn't be much longer, could it? surely syong-ni would recognize that the woman before him was not his wife!

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Hunter's Moon: Blitzkrieg

These and the uh-60j blackhawks would be the backbone transports of the mission. failure was not an option. they would swoop in low under the radar and offload troops inside the compound. simultaneously, the rcn would bombard the facility from the sea.

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Factory for the World

He knew how long any time to mission failure was when he declared it. he had his computer fight unlock the fire door by confusing it, thanks to its disabled temperature sensors.

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The Milk of Paradise

"the report suggests that it increases the probability of mission failure to over eighty percent, yes. but..." the samoyed shifted on his feet; his omnipresent smile had vanished. "all sonny said was that somebody mentioned it. wheels must be turning."

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Firestorm ch 10 - Death and Destruction

"mission failure on recovering the kit." he said in a voice much colder than he felt. "just a bloody harness and clothes on the scene. proceeding to bloedrye's location.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 1

It's bad for moral, and what's bad for moral ends up reducing effectiveness, which usually ends up _increasing_the chance for mission failure--or death. "_i understand, lil...yeah, he was an ass about the whole thing, and he should have known better.

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Legend of the Justicar Act 1/Part 2

"the mission was aborted i repeat this was a mission failure we require medical assistance on landing." the drop ship landed gently instead the hanger bay they were originally assigned to dock in once the assignment was over.

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