Getting The Special Discount

Standing behind the counter in the back of the store was the clerk who kept fidgeting with his name tag.

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, he asked the beetle and he told mr jenkins to get out of his car and bill unfastened his seatbelt and got out of the car bill was going to ask the officer for his name but saw his name tag on his shirt.

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What is Love? - Part 3: Ending?

Seeing as daniel was a furry fan anyways, he had bought a beautiful double leather collar with a personalized name tag. it gleamed with light, as did he.

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Give a Little Pt. 2.5

The badger was somewhat overweight, his name tag was smudged, and vest smeared with something yellow. tom looked up as he was given his card back.

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A Night Out - A Night In - First TIme -

Around his neck, he wore a beautiful plaited collar with a silver name tag, inviting a patron to examine it more closely.

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A Ranger's Oath

_perhaps nathan was wrong,_ he thought to himself as his sharp eyes scanned all the name tags. he finally spotted the large name tag with 'sven' engraved on it.

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Slave worlds: Chapter 2- Test

I look at him and said "no way to know no name tag." the hilin then said, "you ment no id, name tag are only for slave." i saw what he was do and ageed with him.

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non american LoadedGUN sells the gamerstation!

He looked up and a name tag said ''yellow'' and it was the face of a ugly grey wolf. his species and roommate! ''really loadedgun did i not tell you i am working here now?'' loadedgun put the gamerstation on the counter ''i do not want to sell her!''

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Buffaloed and Bred

"your name tag surprised me, the bison who took my virginity's name was monty, i was remembering him" i say, hoping i haven't said too much. "he popped your cherry, huh, you must like us bovines?" he asks grinning. suddenly hot, i answer.

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Cub Scouts

tag sewed onto my shirt.that spot is reserved for my woodcraft badge i'm going to get at the end of the two weeks camp im about to attend at camp."

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The Adventures of Travis McQuinn: The case of the Cub Snatcher

I turned my head away quckly so the bloodhound, a name tag pinned to his jacket said otis, wouldn't see my tears and ask why i was crying.

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Pages From a Dog’s Diary #3

#10 of short stories the dog doesn't wear a name tag, so i just call him "dog" whenever he comes around for a brief visit. he doesn't mind, although he probably has a proper name.

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