Dad Story Book 1
Woody was getting ready for his pro wrestling match against hulk hogan. wrestling boots... check.. wrestling tights... check.. wrestling mask... check, said woody. daddy daddy!!! said nagi. nagi is woody's son. daddy, can we play," said nagi.
American Mustelid Alpha - The Cast (Part 2/3)
After missing the cut for the national team in 2014, he decided to move to pro wrestling, lured by the theatrics and the showmanship of it all.
You Otter Be Ashamed
You were into pro wrestling, right? it's sort of like that, but with sex." "i gathered that much." wade said. "so what is it like... pseudo wrestling to the tune of "i'm gonna beat you down hah! wah!"
A Little Too Adventurous - By Danath
Burst was eager to advance his career in the pro wrestling leagues and a feature against black jack was just the ticket he needed to score more high profile bouts.
More Than Friends
I was busy with a lot of work and public relations i had to do for my pro wrestling career, since i was on hiatus at the time. i constantly told chris that i'd spend time with him when something would come up.
Changes 1: A New Life
The breasts filled out the shirt until it threatened to rip, ample cleavage on display even in the more masculine pro wrestling tee. "whoa..."
Male Bonding
Story blurb: for the first time in his career, pro wrestling superstar manny tigre gets dominated by another male. manny tigre was unaccustomed to this kind of abuse. well, okay, that wasn't entirely true. he was and he wasn't.
Coach's Special Massage
He wasn't exactly surprised by the fact, considering what kind of a cult following the professor the still garnered in the pro wrestling circuits. "sure!" he chuffed.
(Commission) Big Bad
Synopsis: pro wrestling sensation manny tigre has just suffered his first professional loss at the paws of the beautiful and mysterious beebee "big bad" wolf.
Wolf Pack: Part 2
Even so, the sage looked like he could hold his own against a pro wrestling ox. it was quite a sight seeing his thick bulging biceps, and his meaty round pecs rippling with power with each step.
First Match Back
"still been working on the pro wrestling styles since i've been gone?" his companion hooked a thumb at the boxing ring and grinned. "notice the ropes are tighter than usual over there? that's my work.
Wolf Pack Part 2
Even so, the sage looked like he could hold his own against a pro wrestling ox. it was quite a sight seeing his thick bulging biceps, and his meaty round pecs rippling with power with each step.