Hearth Star: Supply Run
Talking with jonathan and the others allowed the elephant space marine a chance to get a feel for the human factions and their politics.
Janner's tale 3-Not to plan
Standing at 6 foot 4, he was a giant to normal men, and could nearly look into the eyes of a space marine "this is madness karn, you'll never defeat that!"
Oberon 4
After all, space marines hid from no one. a cat-woman with bold golden stripes hissed at her as she passed. this place had been a safe haven for them and now it was being invaded.
An Atrocity Answered
The terrain had returned to its plastic composition, as had the necrons and space marines. but the imperial guardsmen had remained active, sustained by the shared magic of the secret lovers.
The most powerful among them are the adeptus astartes, the space marines - bioengineered super warriors.
A Writer's Perdicament
Sons of the tyger, my space marine chapter, lead by the chapter master: tiger lord caleb; the warriors of tyger, my imperial guard regiment, lead by the most respectable man, and his fighting unit, plus an honorary furre: col.schaeffer and his 13th penal legion
NWITBE: Part 1: Prologue
We are the space marines. if you have read this far into this second page, dear xeno readers, you might wonder why this story is written and placed here. why should we xeno hating humans decided to share our story here?
Hearth Star: Bug Hunt
Drawing his omni-fork and stabbing it back furiously, the rotund space marine opened his mouth to commit himself to a simple corps tactic for dealing with alien beasts, bite back.
The Vixen in My Life: Ch 1
Selena but it's a space marine from warhammer 40k, and that's my room." "oh can i see it?" "no" "oh. ok well i'm sure i'll like this room once i settle in." "ok. sage would you put her bag in the room."
Sergal Tails 6
I loved their latest album, blue space marine." starlah was quick to cover blaze's maw as she tried to sing the chorus to the song, "blaze, not the time to sing."
Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Background Information 1: The Sol Imperium
The dominant military force of the sol imperium is the space navy and its ground forces, the space marines.
School of Mystic Arts pt 3
"okay space marine this way." i roll my eyes giggling and taking their paw. "h-hey where are we going?!" they yelp. "to ask for directions." i say simply with a giggle as they soon stop trying to free them selves and following along.