How I found the furry fandom / A 20p book and a DSI
About 3 years ago now, I got a dsi for christmas. Little did I know that the dsi and a book bought for 20 pence would start me on the road to finding the furry fandom. The main feature I used on the dsi was the web browser. I origionally used it to...
The emo wolf
## The emo wolf written by: Remmy Teh Wollfy # YIFF YIFF FURRAY~! ^//^ This story has to be re-typed due to the authors' stupidity. X3
The way it SHOULD have ended - caution, true story slightly edited
A true story, obviously modified to protect some identities a young vixen like creature walks down a wooded path, her blue eyes taking in little of the scenery around her. she walks slowly, as if in a daze, pain and heartache written all over her face.
Journal of Lonely Dog: College life...
January 24, 2016 It's been a long time since I have wrote anything to you, Journal... Sorry about that, but I have been a bit busy, and I have had more than my fair share of hard, tearful nights. So let's run through quickly through my shit life for a...
A Nightly Stroll
A Nightly Stroll By Kazufox Time after time, Day by day, Sitting at the window looking out in wonder, Only to just gaze upon the outside world, While locked up in a fortress of a shelter. Then one night, My brother said to me, As...
Night Time Adventures 02: Room Service
Night Time Adventures 02: Room Service By Sha'Kaar Thunderpaws Author's Note: So, most of my writing, what little I have atm and hope to increase, is often loosely based off something of inspiration. Sometimes it's based on a picture, a phrase I...
That was awesome...
So I had a dream last night that was just awesome enough to warrant sharing. So come along with me on this tripy journey through dream space and maybe get an insight into the workings of my inner mind. My dream opens in a cave below lindblum, one of...
Poco -- A True Story
This all went down sometime when I was going to high school in a northeastern part of Florida. I was seventeen, or eighteen, and had not yet met the influential alcohol, or drugs, part of my life yet. I was lucky. I knew that alcohol, and drugs, were...
Inspired by a True Story.
Ristolinen Nexarus stretched in bed, smiling wide as he remembered what had kept him from sleep the night previous. He kicked off his covers before rolling to his chest and lifting himself from his bed. He literally hopped out of bed, spun around on...
my life Chapter 1....
i know its short but i promise to make them longer if you guys like :P .... everything in this story is based off true events, i promise later done the road it will get sexier and yiffier and a lot of love and saddness and stuff :P anyways here you...
Please don't ride this bus
Based on a true story! i'm not dead (yet), i just smell that way. it's because of school, mind you. and work. and my independent research. and piano lessons. and skating. and videogames. and... i think i do a lot of things.
Just Another Lonely Pup
Just Another Lonely Pup... As I sat on the porch of my mother's duplex, I waited patiently for my father to pick me up for the weekend. Even though neither side wanted me around nor did I want to be there, I had to go till I turned 12. That was quite...