Chapter 2 - Waking from a Nightmare

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dante lay silent, not moving an inch. Still unconscious from the brutal attack; he'd been resting his head in a pool of blood....

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Chapter 1 - How it all Began

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopping - happily down the street of red-bricked, detached houses, a kangaroo was on his way to his friends. It was his 12th...

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Blind Love: Chapter Six - Razor

At home by themselves again, Dante and Red were playing their Xbox to pass the time. The fox had a half-eaten candy bar poking out of his maw while Dante started to roll around as he started to get bored, "Agh, I'm getting tired of this...

Blind Love: Chapter Seven - Halloween

## Its finally here!!! Since I had many things going on in real life I havn't had much change to work on this, but now it's finally done ^^ ## I wanted to try something for a while now and now i get a chance to do it, i won't spoil it, but when you...

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the alley

Ok, so... its been a while since my last post and i decided to put up a little one off thing to fill the void.this is a little piece of fan fiction for the short story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" and it would probably help you understand what's going on...

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chapter 1: how is your lemonade?

Hey guys, thanks for the comments on the first chapter of anatomy of a high school. Just to let everybody know, this is the revised edition of the first chapter. The purpose of the revision is so that the store doesn't look like a complete eye sore....

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chapter 2: how to have an interesting day

Hey, just a note that I'm throwing in what the Guy's at the park say. So when I say park I means Skate Park and when I say skate I mean skate board. If you don't like this than too bad, You don't have a choice on this one. But, you can still send me...

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Bathtime, Dinnertime, Bedtime

Christina and the other female slaves (7 others according to her count) were lead through the corridors of Kalin's lair. They had to navigate through several twists and turns before finally arriving at the bathroom; they might have never found the way...

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Christina's eyes shot open and she bolted upright. She was... she was... Where was she? She couldn't remember what happened and her mind had this fuzzy feeling that prevented her from thinking clearly. She took in her surroundings instead. She first...

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The fat lion looked over the balcony of his large, ornate palace, admiring the ample view of the kingdom of Felin, over which he ruled as king. To the left he could see a portion of the forest that weaved across the entirety of the Great Plain and to...

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"Admiral, I do so very much hate having to repeat myself." The gray and blue dragon was calm as he said this, but the threat was very much apparent. "Y-Yes, sir. I'll send someone right away, sir." "That won't be necessary, Admiral. I will see to the...

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Inception (not like the DiCaprio movie)

Travis Steller was a stereotypical jock stallion. Large muscles adorned his white frame from top to bottom; he wore the latest styles, was co-captain of the football team, had plenty of friends, was invited to all the parties, and had a large number of...

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