The Meeting
As my introduction, I must (no matter how much it wastes my time and yours for whoever reads these things) give the Disclaimer's warning. If you are under the age of 18 or are in a state that prohibits your age group from yadda yadda yadda then don't...
Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage
The explorer had just arrived in the sector about 3 days ago and so far the ship hadn't experienced any kind of dangerous things out here.
Crossing the Rubicon 10
The church was at least one hundred years old. Ornate, made of brick and stone, the tall, old church rose up towards the sky. On top, a bell tower perched like something out of the Middle Ages. The bell had not been rung in decades. Behind the...
Chapter 1: The Beginning
_The year was 2764, Earth is long gone and it's only just a memory. There are now five different worlds that are inhabited. Shwab, this world is nothing but water, but it's still inhabited, the creatures that live there are all aquatic. Then there is...
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 11
She never thought rhynsa, a vigilante who was fond of being said as a pacifist who didn't kill, was a jerk and a very dangerous bat-hound, which didn't bother rhynsa at all.
a dragons rescue: teaser
"Come on were almost there" "Mike just where are we going?" "Home. Now come on, we aint gettin no where if we cant get out of a hole in the ground" "That hole in the ground is my home" "Not anymore it isn't. You've got a place to go where you will...
Pokemon Dark Generation - Episode 5: Dark Garados
**Episode 5 Dark Garados** Als Dragonir am nächsten Morgen erwachte war sie allein. Sie sah sich nach dem Jungen und seinem Sheinux um, konnte sie aber nirgends entdecken, allerdings konnten sie nicht weit weg sein da sie ihre Sachen dagelassen...
Dreams Ch. 5
I ran; I ran with every amount of energy I had in my entire body. I would only stop at night to sleep, letting my body rest from the running throughout the day. In the bag that Umbra had given me, he had left some fruits to eat, but also gave me...
Chapter 2: The Fight
"i know you don't even know my name but we can have an actual conversation when our lives are not in danger. so here is what we are going to do, you guys will get everyone out of the store while i am dealing with the thugs."
Dangers Unveiled
Drake the assignment chapter 5: dangers unveiled alastair closed his locker in the hallway and slung his bag onto his shoulder.
Dangerous Desire
**_This story is a [COMMISSION!]( If you want your own, personalized story, [Click here ](** **_[Support me on Patreon](** **_for novel...
Russian into Danger
They remained at the hotel for several more days, occasionally meeting with the pope. He would have loved to spend more time with them, but he did have a lot of appointments to keep. In the mean time, they kept themselves...