Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 2
gary i need you to go and love your umbreon!" professor oak then immediately pointed right at gary directly.
Lake Krystalvasser - Part One
Have a good weekend, gary." gary nodded. "you too."
Oklahoma's Story Part 04
Swallowing and pausing, "i know you love gary, and i know gary loves you." oklahoma: her eyes wide, "how? did he tell you?" gary: swallowing and coming forward, his throat was dry and he wasn't exactly sure what to do or say.
Sheep and Wolf ch 09
'shelly, meet gary and larry, my friends and neighbours from across the hall. shelly turned and smiled at gary. 'hi gary.' she said. gary froze when he saw her wearing a crescent moon and stars necklace.
Popalympics Tryouts
gary said. "you really think so?" she mumbled.
Sheep and Wolf ch 10 & epilogue
gary said. 'what are you doing here!? how are you not chelsea!?' shelly looked up at the half sheep, half man. 'what!?' she said and noticed larry. 'who are you!? what are you doing at gary's!?' gary held his hands to his chest. 'it's me, gary!'
Behind Enemy Lines
gary replied before the serval was out of his sight. gary then looked to his right hand, his eyes darting to his ring finger.
Skunk? Pussy!
"shh, gary... there's much more to come..." the skunk said sensually as it lifted its heavy paw off gary's leg.
Take a good look," he said, winking at gary. he turned then and bent over, raising his tail. gary was amazed, seeing his brother's tailhole properly for the first time.
Sheep and Wolf ch 07
Maddy nodded and looked up at gary. 'goodbye, gary.' she said. 'goodbye, maddy.' gary said and watched the two walk away, relieved at the notion she hadn't recognised him. until she looked back at him and gave him a wink.
Sitting Out of Gym Class
He felt the warm spooge on his cheek and decided to offer gary a taste. he slid up the fox's body and met eye to eye with the utterly spent kit. mark offered gary his cheek, and gary leaned up slightly to lap at his cum.
Pj and Pete Missing Stories Chapter 5
It after as he got there however that gary's brilliant scheme began to fall apart.