A Wyvern's Hoard
"t-the book says... oooh... the book says that the most powerful dragons in the world claimed vast hoards of treasure."
Part of the Hoard
She'd become part of the hoard... it had all begun a year or two ago, it was hard to tell, when she and a partner had gone searching for the lost hoard of aczumandias, the legendary dragon king.
Sharing the Hoard
The dragon shifted on his hoard. i'd been his roommate for the whole semester, and we'd both seen each other naked. hell, he never wore clothes. still, this was the first time i'd seen his cock.
Towergirls fanfic: The Dragon's Thief
He was now part of her hoard and as part of her hoard he needed to obey or be punished, and she did not take betrayal well.
MLP hoarding is magic by mugman
"and what's not making them want there cutiemarks in hoarding? they could simple just hoard the same items as you, but you wouldn't notice from your own hoarding, "now then how do we stop this?
MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust
She's more after her cutiemark then hoarding!" rarity spoke up after applejack was done. "yes, same with my sweetie belle, she'd never hoard!
Eleven Yappers Yipping
In particular, with the section on hoards." "okay..." vander heard quiet tapping of a keyboard in the background. "does this pertain to the hoard you currently have, or lack thereof?" "who am i speaking to?"
Hypnovember 2023 - Day 12: Dragon (Claimed by Liq)
"i'm not saying you hoarding gold isn't respectable. it's just a little... obsolete." nero clenched his fists. "yeah? well, in my opinion, dragons used to hoard gold for a reason.
Yip Yap! A Demonstration Is In Order
Kobolds will join the hoard to serve their master. i love watching another kobold join the ranks. there's no jealousy from the hoard when a new kobold is introduced. new kobolds are not a threat to the hoard.
Dragon watching tours!
He didn't want to go through the pain of finding new ones and leaving his hoard unattended! why had humans suddenly decided to resume stealingfrom his hoard? hadn't he made himself clear enough ages ago?
Draykan's Hoard 11
"every woman i meet and add to my hoard is a woman i respect, galenna. she's a woman who thinks for her own and wants to be with me because that's what she wants. do you think this spy wanted to be tortured into this?"
Day 24) Hoard
My hoard of power was absolutely unparalleled. another relaxing day.