Demarcation Line: Chapter 1 - The Incident

If you have time to be picking on midgets, why don't you go lose some weight instead?" my ears twitched at the deep voice that sounded from behind the boar. did he just call me a midget?

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Mixed Feelings - Chapt. 1

"what's going on midget?" he exclaimed. he called alex a midget because he was the size of an average tiger, while alex was the normal size for a wolf. "you know i hate it when you call me that." alex said as he returned the embrace.

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Bowser Day, Whenever it Comes

Mario (billy west), once there, struggled to concentrate on his work due to the barrage of vermin who weren't happy about this midget trapsing all over their land.

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chapter 11: The Gathering of the Veterans

Hey, how's the midget? still doing his daddy routine?" "zarxavio...maybe we really should hear what gordon and rex have to say about this.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Six

You are to midgets what midgets are to normal people." "w- well, you look like what a yeti has to clean out of its shower drain!" "at least that would mean i'd actually _touched_ a shower at some point in my life.

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Oh yeah midget you never have been off the island have you?" jah shook his head and roy smiled. "it's a whole different experience out there. we're just one little spec in this large world.

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Jake and Tucker: Friendly Bonding

You mean derek the midget giraffe?" jake asked. i cringed a little at the word midget. finding it rude. tessa just beamed with her shiny white teeth. "oh, he's anything but a midget." she giggled at her joke.

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Stantler Starter 2: The Absolution Of Despair

"why, hello there babe" said an evil midget boy with lightning bolts in his cheeks, "i could help but notice your virginal uterus."

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 4

_so how does me feel like a midget around him?_ "yessir." "good boy," his father said as he entered the apartment. "is art around?" "no sir, he's at work." "too bad." his father then snapped his fingers.

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Strange flavor

They were followed by a certain midget hyena. "micah! glad you could make it!" "always glad to help bud." micah picked up his short friend for a quick hug. they walked into the back of the bakery, to the storage area.

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The Cat's Stroll 10

He ignored the four theriopes surrounding it and lunged toward the cat midget like an unstoppable and furious landslide. seeing this, kyu cao's eyebrow arched.

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Dragon's Pride 4

Patch those wings of yours, midget. damn, that purple shithead really gives a hell of head press to me...ouch, he also slashed me!"

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