Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Contest Debut

The next pokemon sent out was a nuzleaf and i substituted for my wingull. my wingull also knew wing attack and defeated nuzleaf the same way swellow had done just before. thanks to wingull's victory he began glowing signalling he was evolving.

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Session 1: The Celebration

"_ the words of the nuzleaf rang out in his head. "that lati fellow" of course being latiass, a bit of a well known. a male latias, as weird as everyone finds that, but more importantly, a gigolo of sorts.

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Duel of Passion

The skitty said before launching the nuzleaf back into the tree and hoping out to exit. "call me with the details honey!" the effeminate skitty shouted to his best friend. "i will!"

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lilycove City and Mt Pyre

Lombre, nuzleaf and kirlia appeared and seemed curious when they realised they weren't battling. "i just got something amazing for each of you.

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Round 1: Hoenn Side

At the savannah stadium, the crowd was in an uproar as kudzco the nuzleaf took his position on the right side of the field.


Pokemon Story - The Crooks and The Krookodile Ch. 1

And the little nuzleaf left to gather the others. and with that crook made a beeline for the saloon exit.

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When instincts take over... [re-upload: fixed]

You're a lucario, you're a nuzleaf and you are a... weasel, right?" the big charizard said, pointing at the three friends. "it's not a weasel, it's a weavile! get it into you're thick skull, fatso!" sam said annoyed.

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Happy Amphy Christmas

Drago caught to nuzleaf and devours him quickly for try to hunt to oliver and gizmo. shiver also pursued the dragonite and thought how he found this place before than her.


Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 10 - A New Adventure!!

Kyurex also saw that other dark pokemon teams, including the nuzleaf gang, were present. mr.green started his speech... "i would like to-" 10 minutes later. "- so, and the only thing i can say is.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 111 to Fallarbor Town

I continued on and was challenged by another picnicker who sent out a sandshrew and i sent out my nuzleaf having him use razor leaf defeating sandshrew. a backpacker was next and sent out a linoone and i sent out my linoone.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Training for Lavaridge

nuzleaf was also enjoying the sunlight but not the fire pokemon themselves. still like the bug pokemon he showed great determination to imrpove and show his beloved trainer that he would always do his best.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Exploring Mauville City

Next was a poochyena and i substituted for my nuzleaf who used razor leaf defeating poochyena.

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