SRC-01 Cold Hooves, Ch 04
, transformation, male_ **stunt reindeer core (cast):** meteor from south timber (a former human teenager named kristofer falkner) codine from south timber (a stunt reindeer with switched colors) captain jumper (stunt reindeer trainer/coach) surger
SRC-01 Cold Hooves, Ch 03
, transformation, male_ **stunt reindeer core (cast):** meteor from south timber (a former human teenager named kristofer falkner) codine from south timber (a stunt reindeer with switched colors) captain jumper (stunt reindeer trainer/coach) surger
SRC-01 Cold Hooves, Ch 01
, transformation, male_ **stunt reindeer core (cast)**: meteor from south timber (a former human teenager named kristofer falkner) codine from south timber (a stunt reindeer with switched colors) captain jumper (stunt reindeer trainer/coach) surger
Jamie's Treatment
Desmond waited with the family in the waiting room.the doctor came out from surger and walked over to desmond. "uhhh you ms.jamie's boyfriend?
SRC-01 Cold Hooves, The Full Episode
"surger! gusto! danger! grave! rapid!, laugher! meteor! codine!" and then the winds around their test began to play a bit unfair as meteor felt the entire line seem to buckle to the right.
Skywolf Mysteries Chapter 1
Chakats could go rather primal when their cubs were in danger, from the ruffled and slightly strained appearance of summer-rain, shi may have already but actually come down from the surger of primal protective instinct when shi couldn't find hir cub that way
A Spark of Hope
Blademasters, spear-surgers, even healers like me train years to achieve mastery in our fields, while you-" "i failed. big time. what do you take me for, a prodigy?
Deceiver of the gods ,eyes of the wolf
Mortem numquid surgere et iterum,"exsurge et kill nam satan".then the dead started to wake up.there mouth turning black.there eyes turning black.there skin turning into pure black skin.then the wolv put his hands in the sky and started