Trade All the Stars
And the medics who let her bleed to death, with the excuse that their hospital "wasn't equipped for totemics." gail didn't look up when her big sister stepped in; she was too engrossed in a holographic board game with a rabbit totemic woman.
Daemon - Chapter 22 (The Ritual)
Were these the spirits which resided within the totems? i glanced in the direction of the totems from which i had not felt power flow from. a trail of light led from the totems to the figure-less begins which floated before me. 'this one is strong...'
Shadow of Joy - Prologue: A Pretty Troll
Joyuese scrambled across the ground and plucked one of her totems from the ground. as the shield wavered, she called upon the energy in the totem and a clear liquid filled the empty bottle in her hand.
Trade All the Stars (excerpt)
They weren't the only three transform humans on lariat, but they might well have been the only three full totemics, completely remade as animal-people.
Droid Duck
Looked like a couple upgraded things and a new totem, "what is this tremor totem?" he waved his hand, "it summons a totem that will make the earth tremble, removing fear and the like from you and your party."
Life of Zeks, Episode 1: The Witch Doctor
"well ya gonna ta take da totem eitha way. dat's da friend price." a smile spread itself across the cougar's face. 'the totem' was much more pleasant than grampy stone.
Straight into the trap
After a few minutes walking damian found the totem that gale had mentioned, and as he had said the totem had two colors, yellow and green. doing it he told his scaly friend and followed the indication of the green color safely and calmly.
Bound Forever (Tribual) - Ch.1
The watchers and summoner lifted their gaze at the totem, an old maple trunk with a whale's tooth and ground cat eye basked on the head of the totem. "the ritual is complete..." one of the three watchers exclaimed.
Sky Ocean Chapter 5
He watched absently as totems passed and uttered cruel gossip about him, some fixing him with malicious stares. he laughed under his breath at there ignorance, feeling great pity towards them all.
Sky Ocean Chapter 4
She swore the aging vulture teaching the class had an almost supernatural talent for putting totems to sleep. her gaze was locked upon the clock. just one more minute 'til lunch she thought to herself.
You May Lick The Bride - 1
It's really doing something; the totem is working!_ as i knelt on the floor, stella walked to me as if attracted by the strange power that now flowed through my body. we simply... shifted.
Buzzwole's Massive Gains
He felt the same sort of energy as from the totem pokémon, coming off of this thing in waves. it was almost overwhelming in fact... but that meant that this thing was stronger than any totem he'd ever faced before. which made it perfect for catching!