Tournament's End 2

Where is the upheaval in the world that is supposed to come with the dawning of a new age?" "i granted the champion's wish well enough," hanioc responded. "you needn't worry about that.

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Rust Belt Tails: Different Strings

Half the world away, a plane from athens was landing in beirut, lebanon, that capitol city which had seen so much destruction and upheaval in the past twenty years.

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Shattered Freedom

While they try to adjust to this upheaval, friends made come back begging the biker mice to aide in their rescue of other martian life to bring back mars once again. right until an old foe comes back with a plot to destroy all from within!

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WWC Song of War.

It was going to be a long few months having to deal with the upheaval this battle would cause.


Tulin's Enema

The upheaval had caused a great number of difficulties for the rito tribe, but there was a hopeful buzz in their community ever since the hero had returned and the harsh blizzards had stopped.

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Pulling Bookwyrms

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vertigo was not unheard of to a large dragoness, but leseratte found herself wondering why the seeming upheaval of up and down had not yet

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 14

Giant pieces of earth upheavals from the ground as it moves towards luna. luna stepped back as her grip on her blade tightened, she swung it backwards and quickly strikes the ground in front of her as she separates the attack before her.

Europe After the Rain

Series of excerpts from the diary of max ernest, a fox who took to living in a shelter to escape the fires of a war which ravaged his homeland: "i have not left this shelter for years- it is my last refuge in this time of great and tremendous upheaval

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The Trees

And yet, the forest no longer could be considered home with the tremendous social upheaval that had just occurred there, this time not dealing with the natural order of predator/prey relationships, or the availability of mates, or vicious human intrusions

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The Aether

With that first violent upheaval however others learned, others tasted freewill without rejecting the entity outright. insular and quiet, these first demons worked in secret, separated from one another by a wall of silence and fear.



Boastful monstrosities guffawed at the ghastly scene, upheaved in an apace manner sinclair held firm to morgana, a hectic stride away from the locale of articulation. and that is when he discerned bridewell from the crowd.\* "b-brother.. she.. i.. you.."

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Circles: a retrospective review

But _circles_ was there, in the midst of a number of upheavals, pushing back against the tide of dourness. it seems to say, "a better world is possible, if only we'll work towards it."
