Crushing Weight
Feeling the weight of his slick lover, he could die right there and still leave this world happy and fulfilled. but he climaxed as hard as never, while muffled moans were only sounds she heard, while staring at the fountain of cum before her.
Po lose weight
Nbsp; "darling, now there're no more enemies to worry about, why don't you take one month time to lose weight?"
The Weight: Chapter 10
#10 of the weight chapter 10 chapter 10: from bad to worse humphrey liked what he was seeing: rocky hideaways, hills, fallen trees, some of which were surrounded by tall grass, and even a few outcroppings under which to hide if such circumstances would
The Weight Chapter 2
#2 of the weight chapter 2. **chapter 2: life as we know it.** humphrey did not realize that he had fallen asleep until he felt the lively rays of the coming sun beating against his eyelids.
Weight lifting 2
**Kran Blackwing** yawned as he awoke, finding himself naked under the covers, with his dad behind him. He smiled as he remembered what happened earlier, and felt the trail pf sticky cum oozing a bit out of his tailhole. **Brahman** still had his...
The Weight of a World: Prologue
#1 of the weight of a world okay so i am re-posting this. i didn't like the previous one, so here is the updated one! you'll find out why everyone's name is not shown in the first chapter :d this will be a long read.
The Weight: Chapter 9
#9 of the weight chapter 9 chapter 9: the darkest day 424 miles outside of jasper dawn greeted the lone omega in a rather unpleasant manner the next morning, for as his eyes opened, they did so with a violent quiver of his body, as the temperature had
The Weight: Chapter 8
#8 of the weight it all begins to unravel.
The Weight: Chapter 7
#7 of the weight have the tissues handy, because things are about to get sad.
The Weight: Chater 6
#6 of the weight here is chapter 6. things will heat up pretty fast from this point on. chapter 6: closer and closer to collapse. the only thing that humphrey could do was close his eyes and brace himself for the inevitable.
The Weight: Chapter 5
#5 of the weight here is chapter 5. enjoy. chapter 5: the life of a loner driven mad by the recent famine, humphrey was now willing to do anything to get some form of sustenance to his famished belly.
Adding some weight
** **the tiger took a deep breath, feeling the weight bulging to one side. he knew instantly that he needed a new weight to add next to the fox.